I think its like Josh kind of said. I know for me I only order 2 or three items a year and usually they are spread a bit out or you at least have an idea when they are coming. Superman was a total unknown if you called SS like I did a few times they would say a couple of weeks or so then a month or two would go by.
I got a shipping notice of the HOT TOYs batman armoury then five minutes later one of this PF. They are set to ship the same day and with the candian exchange rate and shipping and import fees I'm looking at close to $1000 all at once as they are set to ship the same day. I am still considering my options but thats hard on the old wallet. Other people in the same point may have decided to cut it loose and maybe pick up a reg down the road. Thats what i am thinking. The Batman pf doesn't seem to be going anywhere so this will probably be in stock for a while.
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