Super Freak
please god no mullet Supes.
100% agree. The mullet is best forgotten.
please god no mullet Supes.
...none of the Superman PFs I've seen had an issue with the seams under the arms...
Crease? You said it had the same issue as the Batman PF, which was a miss cut seam that added too much fabric below the armpit area. I've seen some superman pf's with a minor fold coming fom under the arm part way onto the chest which can be fuzted with and smoothed.Search around. You'll find them with that crease. Some youtube videos will show them too.
Well no, I mean with the big stink that some people had with Batman pf's arm pits. A lot of people's photos of the Superman pf Ive seen including mine, all had somewhat of the same pit issue and nobody is complaining about that like they did with Bats. China can't replicate the seams correctly as what was done on the prototype. And I dont think Sideshow wants to go through all that trouble they had previously with these two statues, again. I dont have a problem with those issues though. I think Bats and supes came out pretty well. And its only going to make these statues that much more unique compared to future Bats and Supe releases that dont have fabric torsos.
Crease? You said it had the same issue as the Batman PF, which was a miss cut seam that added too much fabric below the armpit area. I've seen some superman pf's with a minor fold coming fom under the arm part way onto the chest which can be fuzted with and smoothed.
Other than the shipping issues Supes has been a MAJOR success for SSC, as has Batman for that manor. Trust me we will see similar sculpts again.
Considering how many successful pf's have cloth designs: Batmsn, Superman, Red Skull, Punisher, Harley Quinn, Captain America, Joker etc. etc.; you can place a bet.there will be.Thats what Im talking about. It still was a minor flaw. And Bats was slightly the same to a degree. Both could be futzed with and smoothed out.
Im not talking about sculpts. Im talking about fabric. Will we see another supes and bats with fabric torso's? Maybe, maybe not.
Thats what Im talking about. It still was a minor flaw. And Bats was slightly the same to a degree. Both could be futzed with and smoothed out.
Im not talking about sculpts. Im talking about fabric. Will we see another supes and bats with fabric torso's? Maybe, maybe not. I say future SSC Bats and Supes pieces will all have fully sculpted torso's going forward. Which will make these two unique on its own for being the only fabric pieces.
Considering how many successful pf's have cloth designs: Batmsn, Superman, Red Skull, Punisher, Harley Quinn, Captain America, Joker etc. etc.; you can place a bet.there will be.
Yeah, I'm nervously awaiting that second Batman PF since they already teased it. We all know its on the way, its just a question of when. Not to mention we all know the Arkham and Nolan PFs are coming. Holy Bat OverloadUmmmm....
I am thinking we get a Neal Adams PF Varient with similar cloth within the next year or two, and either a Kingdome Come Or Red Son Varient PF withing the similar cloth within the next 3. So yeah I would take that bet too.
Death of Superman mullet and Doomsday dio FTW!![]()
He got the mullet in reign of supermen and the comeback didn't he? The fight with doomsday he had his proper haircut
He got the mullet in reign of supermen and the comeback didn't he? The fight with doomsday he had his proper haircut
Dude that sounds like one hilarious ****ing scenario. Trollface killed it!I musta been like 12 I remember getting the books home and mum being like 'superman? Looks more like SuperGIRL loooooooool' and I'd be like 'SHUTUP MUM!' And a single tear would come out and I'd slam my bedroom door and she'd be like 'problem?' :trollface.
Classic times.
Hahaha parents are ****ers for real lolIt's a true story. Now I hate mullet Superman.