Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
I think I get what you're saying.... That the pins give them the same kind of look as those wooden artist reference mannequins, so these almost look like they could be animator reference models.
I'm really intrigued as to what accessories are going to come with the figures we don't already know about (those being Catwoman, Two Face and Mr Freeze) From what we've seen and read the accessories are very episode specific so far.
I wonder what episodes they'll choose for Joker? I can see him coming with that fish-bowl helmet he wore in "The Last Laugh". Or maybe some Joker fish and his inflatable rubber ring from "The Laughing Fish". Poison Ivy is a difficult one... I don't really remember her using anything much in TNBA. Maybe one of her plant creatures from "A Girl's Night Out"? As for Batman and Robin, there are just so many episodes to choose from it's too hard to guess really.
I wonder if DCC will stick to single episode specific accessories for each figure or use multiple episodes for some?
Yup, that's exactly it, and I'm curious about accessories, as well. Personally, I'd love some interchangeable accessories, as well. My ideal Man-Bat, for instance, would include a swap out set of arms (with wings outspread), an alternate "angry" head (brow furrowed/mouth wide open), a vial of the formula, and the tape recorder that the guard had. Batman would have a removable head and switch out capes, along with his grappling gun and, maybe, a Batarang. Catwoman's pretty much got everything she needs, with the exception of Isis, Freeze is good on the accessory front, Two-Face just needs his coin (possibly a clear, plastic cylinder with several coins in different positions within, in order to simulate the "flipping effect" when plugged into his hand), and yeah, I, too, am drawing a blank when it comes to Robin, Ivy, and Joker.
If we knew they were doing vehicles, I'd say an alternate "helmeted" head for Robin, along with a grappling gun. Joker's had so many different things over the years. While it wasn't my favorite episode, I think "The Last Laugh" could provide some interesting accessories for Joker. The Fishbowl helmet, the shopping cart, and a crushed up Captain Clown would be ideal. I've got no idea about Ivy, though.
I actually like that first set. It's got three of my favorite interpretations, and I like the novelty of a "75th Anniversary set." The second set is puzzling to me, though. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why Arkham Origins Batman is in there.