Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
Some of you guys are too easy to please and act way too apologetic for DCC. You're practically grovelling at their feet. Doug, your Catwoman literally broke and you're acting like everything is just peachy. A broken figures isn't an awesome one any way you cut it. It's broken.
$140 is a lot for that pack. $28 is ridiculous for their single figures. That's more than NECA or Marvel Legends or Star Wars: Black Series (which I'd argue are all better made lines than this one, nostalgic aside). The Animated Series is 25 years old. DCC have had years worth of references and experience to make these figures as close to perfect as possible. No excuses.
Look at that Bullock up there, that's how the figure should have looked. Look at all the little changes that can make these things perfect. You got people like zelu or TWayne or sfa or myself that know their stuff. They should have people like that on their design team. Most of the BTAS figures are crude looking and lack refinement. There's so many little things that could put these over the top that they simply ignore, probably to keep costs down.
I mean, there were actually people on here defending that awful Christmas Joker. It's ridiculous. This is an animated line. The simple designs and colors shouldn't be a problem, especially when they're using 3D models. Clearly something is amiss, so I'm glad people continue to put pressure on them (though I think constantly emailing them about prototypes is a tad obnoxious).
Let people criticize if they want to criticize. The line as a whole is just okay. The most impressive thing is their offerings. I'll give credit and kudos to DCC for their impressive character selection and taking a chance on a huge Batmobile and Batwing vehicles. They get praise and credit when it's due. Nobody is expecting perfection, but it'd be nice to get a perfect wave or two every once in a while.
- Catwoman (ugly hip holes, breakable)
- Batman (ugly hip holes, breakable
- Two-Face (ugly hip holes, inconsistent with the rest of the line)
- Mr. Freeze (ugly hip holes, inconsistent with the line
- Joker (off model, ugly looking figure)
- Robin (too short)
- Man- Bat (arms too loose, poor paint finish on body)
- Harley Quinn (one of the worst figures in the line, chintzy garbage)
- Penguin (monocle isn't colored, no cigarette)
- Batman (awful head, bad paint, right hip prone to breaking)
- Firefly (poorly painted, one of the worst samples in their line)
- Talia (long ass forearms, wrong color)
- Ra's (no sword)
- Bullock (crappy paint scheme which is a shame because the accessories and sculpt are dead on)
- Ventriloquist (no thought went into the scarface hand attachment peg assembly)
- Christmas Joker (worst figure in the line)
And that's off the top of my head. Almost all of them have an unfinished quality to them. Like we're buying prototypes from the shows or something (I think it speaks volumes that so many of the figures need to be customized to look good, usually small changes here and there that DCC could have totally done themselves). I've never been a fan of the plastic they've used since Wave 1, nor that easily scratched, cheap matte finish most figures likes Batman, Man-Bat, Harley, etc. seem to have. You also have inconsistent articulation across the board. Why does Wave 1 TNBA Batman have those nice swivels like in the boot/calf while it's completely dropped on BTAS Batman? How come Croc has an unsightly ab belly button crunch while BTAS Bane does not? How come ankle ball joints and pivots are pretty much gone now?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing them. I doubt DCC even cares what a bunch of man children think, let em' talk. It's not like DCC's feeling are going to get hurt.