DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Not wild about the stands either. A a base with strong peg would have been better and non-intrusive. The exposed peg/ joint holes are an eyesore also. Packaging is 'meh' also. A window box would have been better.

That said, I really like how these look.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Not wild about the stands either. A a base with strong peg would have been better and non-intrusive. The exposed peg/ joint holes are an eyesore also. Packaging is 'meh' also. A window box would have been better.

That said, I really like how these look.

Oh yeah definitely, aside from those dislikes that I share with you, I really love how these look. These are clearly the production figures too and I love how close they've turned out to the prototypes. Can't wait to get them in hand.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I don't mind the blue, I suppose the BTAS will be red.

They still look better than most of the stuff from DCC.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I also never got why they colored those parts on Freeze that way, being almost green. This whole time I was hoping it was a prototype thing to be corrected later. But looks like something else Kenner got right over them.



I almost hate to bring anything up because these are still some of my most anticipated figures ever, pretty much a wish line come true. But have to go with my immediate reaction when certain details miss the mark.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I dig the figures and the accessories--the bases are going to take up some space on my shelf though. I guess with the tiny legs and ankles these figures need a stand of some sort, but still...I would have preferred something small and unobtrusive to keep them standing.

Freeze is crazy cool looking. The insect head accessory made it my favorite figure in the original line and I'm glad DCD is keeping it.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Maybe I am in the minority... but I am quite happy with the stands and the packaging. :)

If they went with regular pegged stands (which is what I dreaded before the stand was revealed), these things would have been nose-diving off the shelf due to the tiny ankles/ ankle joints. I would have been scared to display them for fear of breaking a figure 6 months after it had sold out. With these waist clip stands, I will be able to display them without worry... and having the model sheets on the base is a neat touch. I feel like DC Collectibles went above and beyond on the stands. They knew collectors would want to display them, so they created something new to make that happen.

As for the packaging... I would have preferred a box, sure. But as a loose collector, that would have gone straight into storage anyways. Had the packaging been insanely cool though, I would have been tempted to get a second set just to keep packaged. It seems like the packaging is really just meant to house the figure and little else. I feel fine tearing it open and just having the one loose set.... which will save me a ton of money if this lines goes on for as long as they are saying. Kinda like MOTU Classics- Great figures + Mediocre packaging = Easy decision to only collect them loose.

Oh- And all the extra hands and bits look GREAT!

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

So, let me ask you this, with 2-3 months until release, are these just "samples," or have they started producing these, yet. Any chance they'd change it if there was enough of an outcry?:lol

Wave 1 is due out next month o I would say these are close to final...
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

There was a picture that had a separate draped cape :0.

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

What's doubly annoying about those horrid joint holes at the top of the thighs is the fact that the outward leg movement it creates is pretty much useless since it looks like there's no thigh swivels, knee swivels or ankle pivots on the legs. What can you do with outward leg movement without those joints other than the splits?

I'd rather these had the usual DCC T-crotch rather than those ugly holes and cuts. It's strange that they managed to have the outward leg articulation on their Arkham Origins Batman and Anarky figures without having those joint holes visible. It's sad that the BTAS figures suffered this fate.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

They look great. They fixed Catwoman's eyes too. I love the interchangeable capes for Batman and Robin. I don't mind the blue packaging, but I think even I could design a better looking box. Great looking line so far.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Wave 1 is due out next month o I would say these are close to final...

They got pushed back. In that photo set, there's a sign on display that says "In Stores December 2014").
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Catwoman comes with Isis! :panic:


...the cat... not the Islamic terrorist state...

What's doubly annoying about those horrid joint holes at the top of the thighs is the fact that the outward leg movement it creates is pretty much useless since it looks like there's no thigh swivels, knee swivels or ankle pivots on the legs. What can you do with outward leg movement without those joints other than the splits?

I'd rather these had the usual DCC T-crotch rather than those ugly holes and cuts. It's strange that they managed to have the outward leg articulation on their Arkham Origins Batman and Anarky figures without having those joint holes visible. It's sad that the BTAS figures suffered this fate.

Definitely the most disappointing part. :(
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

What's doubly annoying about those horrid joint holes at the top of the thighs is the fact that the outward leg movement it creates is pretty much useless since it looks like there's no thigh swivels, knee swivels or ankle pivots on the legs. What can you do with outward leg movement without those joints other than the splits?

I'd rather these had the usual DCC T-crotch rather than those ugly holes and cuts. It's strange that they managed to have the outward leg articulation on their Arkham Origins Batman and Anarky figures without having those joint holes visible. It's sad that the BTAS figures suffered this fate.

The legs can move outwards... :dunno
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Not crazy about the packaging...or the delay but I'll be opening them anyway.

Kinda on the fence about the stands. Wonder if they can be modded into crotch grabbers. I like the base but not the waist grabber.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Is there a link for more pics? I can not find any.

Edit.... nevermind
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Yes, I hope those holes are filled in. I really hope Superman gets a mention in this line. The 3-Part World's Finest was fantastic and I'd love to have his figures next to NTAS Batman.