Here are teh shots of the Two Face. As cool as he looks on the photos, the guy has issues (and I'm not only talking about the split personality) let's start by overall sculpt. I think it's good but something feels off :/ His head feels too long and small with proportions to the body and the body has a strange shape. The shoulders should be bigger in proportion to the lower jacket and the crotch part looks strange making him look like he is wearing a nappy... They used a new neck articulation on these (like #marvelegends figures) and it looks fine on other characters but Two Face looks strange if you tilt his head up a bit. The jacket make legs articulation quite limited. Paint job is sloppy on my one and he has someone's finger print on the blue head... :/ DI'm nitpicking here and despite all, he is still a great figure but overall in my opinion the weakest in this set. He is such an important character in Batman Animated line that you should defo pick him up. Any question let me know.