So for those of you who have already received Scarecrow, HARDAC, Gray Ghost, and Two-Face (or have placed an in-stock order), where did you order them from?
They are still only available to pre-order from every site I would consider purchasing them from (BBTS, Entertainment Earth, Toywiz, Megalopolis) and as of today they are now on back-order from Amazon.
Is there a site I am missing that may be an option? Or did you get them locally?
To everyone commenting that they already have the new figures- can you answer my questions and help me out?
To everyone commenting that they already have the new figures- can you answer my questions and help me out?
Now that Two-Face and Scarecrow have been released, I can FINALLY re-create an old photo I have of my old Kenner figures.
View attachment 453176
Really loving Scarecrow and Two-Face. They’re fantastic figures! So great to have them at last.
I preordered these the first day they went up on Amazon, and just this morning I got a notification saying that they wouldn’t be shipped until June 7 (Scarecrow and Two-Face), June 10 (Gray Ghost), and July 7 (Hardac Batman)... what gives!?! Anyone else in the same situation?
Why don't you use BTAS Two Face for kenner instead of the TNBA?![]()
I preordered these the first day they went up on Amazon, and just this morning I got a notification saying that they wouldn’t be shipped until June 7 (Scarecrow and Two-Face), June 10 (Gray Ghost), and July 7 (Hardac Batman)... what gives!?! Anyone else in the same situation?
I preordered these the first day they went up on Amazon, and just this morning I got a notification saying that they wouldn’t be shipped until June 7 (Scarecrow and Two-Face), June 10 (Gray Ghost), and July 7 (Hardac Batman)... what gives!?! Anyone else in the same situation?
Omg...what a rip-off !!! Me too I preordered there, now I have to cancel the order. What a shame
That happened to me yesterday... I canceled and reordered at, through the Google store. They all shipped out this morning.
I got all 4 for $100 (including shipping). The Google store has a 20% discount on your first order.
Plus I wouldn’t go by those release dates on Amazon. I’m not saying they absolutely won’t be released on the 8th but I’ve seen plenty of action figures get release dates on Amazon only to be released way after that date.
So after they rerelease the GCP set. Is DCC gonna make anymore figures? I mean there’s a lot of Animated series figures I want left. Especially LockUp, RedClaw and I want a Bruce timm fig to go with Gray Ghost haha
They really haven’t given us a definitive statement yet on more BTAS or TNBA figures. We have the animated style Red Hood and Az-Bat and Deadshot coming but they never actually appeared in either show. I’ve said it 100 times that TNBA Penguin is probably the most recognizable character left that this series could do. TNBA Mad Hatter and The Ventriloquist and Scarface are probably the next best known under him. Then we kind of hit a lot of C and D listers and I really always wonder if DCC sees these characters as profitable. I even find TNBA Penguin a “?” when it comes to profitability. As well known as the Penguin character is in the overall Batman mythos I never recall hearing a HUGE clamoring for TNBA version here in this forum or at least in a comparable amount to BTAS Scarecrow or Two-Face. Which is why I wonder if even he is that desired and if Penguin can’t hack it I have little hope for seeing just about any other character in this line get a shot I’d love to see more though. Red Claw, Lock-Up, Rupert Thorne, Calendar Girl... and yeah I had the same thoughts about a Bruce Timm figure too lol.