C?mon dude Marvel movies vs DC movies comparisons is as old as time itself only weird thing is that you think it?s weird lol
I guess I was just shocked that you seemed to say that as a stand alone movie that Joker was better than EG.. But the two films IW and EG are better then Joker..
So what's weird to me is that you would even come close to thinking that...
Yes, TDK is great in parts but is also quite uninteresting in parts with an ending that just fizzles after the Joker is caught. I found "JOKER" rivetting from beginning to end with the all-important factor of the film peaking in the third act. I also prefer BB to TDK.
First time viewing I thought TDK was riveting from beginning to end.. Repeat viewings I still find it great but will agree that the ending goes on a bit but its all worth it for the Gordon speech and that final shot. Oh the promise of what was to come that we never got.
IM was a great introduction to the character but no universe had been brought to life yet. It was just another standalone superhero with some post-credit lip service to other heroes at the end which at that point was nothing new.
Oh I don't agree there.. Nick Fury showing up was a signal to what was to come.. I mean when he spoke of the Avengers Imitative and it was Sam Jackson... It did not seem like lip service to me at all. It was an announcement of MCU's plan. I never once thought it was lip service. The film is still IMO one of Marvels best..
Let's be honest, this is the defining factor in how you rank superhero films and film years. Not that at blame you as a Hulk superfan.
Aw come on... That's not true.. If it was then IW would not still rank as one of my favs.. Avengers is the only Marvel film that has Hulk in it that is in my top 4 perfect marvel movies. with IW, TWS, CW being the other three. Hell for a long time TWS was my fav and Avengers was number two but repeat viewings of both puts Avengers at number one for me.
Hulk was not the worst in AOU but that still ranks as one of my bottom three.
I do love the Hulk movie because I think it was a well done Hulk film and far better then many give it credit for. It was very true to the character and had some great action. Had the film been more in line with Marvels other movies and Ed Norton stuck around or Ruffalo was cast to begin with, I think people would think back on it more fondly.
So of course Hulk is going to rank high and be a factor in what I see as the best comic book year.
I think TDK is still the best Comic book movie of all time. It still holds up to repeat viewings.. I liked Joker but its not a film that I cant wait to see again.
TDKR's flaws are obvious but I've still liked that film from the very beginning. Definitely third place in the Nolan trilogy though.
The first time I saw it was the first and last time I fully enjoyed it.. I don't hate the film but I am not crazy with were it took the Batman character. That along with its other flaws hurts the film and trilogy as a whole for me.