DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Those signs weren't very well placed. I couldn't even tell which figures were in series 2 (since there was no sign for them) or series 3 (which was near Penguin). I don't think DCD has even determined who is in what wave. So with series 1 being postponed/canceled, I wouldn't be surprised if a 4th figure is added now and they go back to their traditional 4 figure waves.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Maybe so ... though they are behind an AC sign, so they may alter the packaging to go along with the new game.

Yeah. So I was wondering if the Bane figure from that wave looks different, 'cause the legs look less crouched.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I wouldn't be against them entirely remaking Bane as a Deluxe figure though.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

thanks for the info Snake.

What if they re-released Bane with red unstead of green tubes? is there really a chance of them re-releasing series 2, I thought they only did that with series 1 cause of the issue with Big Bad Toy Store not getting figures and all the people who ordered them complaining. If Mr. Freeze is a deluxe figure he better come with a light up LED Feature. If Neca can do it so can DCD.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I wouldn't be against them entirely remaking Bane as a Deluxe figure though.
I'd be down with that too, a standing version almost the same size as Croc would be very nice, though I wouldn't be unhappy if they didn't remake him since I love the one they already did.

I don't really see Mr. Freeze having a light-up feature myself, I'm guessing he's a deluxe figure simply because there's more weight and complexity too him than the regular figures.
I'm actualy excited to see what the deluxe packaging is going to look like. I love the ingenious packaging for the regular figures but I presume the deluxe figures would require something different.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

one of my good friends worked on the level testing and sum designs and stop motion for the joker boss level on the game.he gave me a cool limited edition batman statue like 5000 in the world or sumthin like that!,will take pics and put it up.jus thought id share that with my fellow freaks my so called claim to fame thru a friend,lol. im diggin the new robin design.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'd be down with that too, a standing version almost the same size as Croc would be very nice, though I wouldn't be unhappy if they didn't remake him since I love the one they already did.

I don't really see Mr. Freeze having a light-up feature myself, I'm guessing he's a deluxe figure simply because there's more weight and complexity too him than the regular figures.
I'm actualy excited to see what the deluxe packaging is going to look like. I love the ingenious packaging for the regular figures but I presume the deluxe figures would require something different.

Having seen him in person, he is tiny compaired to the Bane we got at regular price. If they can give us Bane as a regualr figure, then there is zero reason Freeeze should be a deluxe unless he comes with some great goodies or lights up or something 'deluxe.'
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If Freeze does come with something extra or a feature, it seems strange that they didn't show it. Guess time will tell!

I don't suppose anybody here picked up a spare NYCC Joker they'd be willing to sell? Been keeping an eye on eBay for him but with the sellers inflated prices + shipping to the UK I'm not willing to buy him on there.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I would love it if they re-release Bane, but with straight legs.....these new ones look great
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They NEED to release Clayface as a Deluxe figure!!! With the amount of villains in AC they can easily get to 5 waves with 4 figures a piece.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

For future figures/waves I'm really hoping for:
Night wing
Two Face
Hugo Strange
Mad Hatter
Black Mask
Ras Al Ghul
Clayface (deluxe figure)
So that's 9 figures right there, they could more than easily get to 5 waves plus deluxes.
With the game getting awesome reviews I don't see any reason for DCD to not continue with the line and get all the characters made.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

For future figures/waves I'm really hoping for:
Night wing
Two Face
Hugo Strange
Mad Hatter
Black Mask
Ras Al Ghul
Clayface (deluxe figure)
So that's 9 figures right there, they could more than easily get to 5 waves plus deluxes.
With the game getting awesome reviews I don't see any reason for DCD to not continue with the line and get all the characters made.

That's a solid list. You forgot Grundy, though. I'd take a deluxe of him over several of the ones you listed. Nightwing, Two Face, Grundy and Strange are essentials ... as are those behind the spoiler tag. The other four -- Black Mask, Deadshot, Talia and Hatter -- would be a bonus. I think Black Mask may be the least likely, though ... he's more of a cameo.

I also wouldn't mind a Bruce Wayne and a Red Robin. They're running out of Batman variants, though (assuming they want a Batman in every wave). In addition to the Detective Vision Batman, I guess they could do a battle-damaged Batman ... or maybe skins. TDKR would be my first choice ... but I think it is one of the least likely because it would require a whole new figure from top-to-bottom rather than just a repaint.

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yeah, Black Mask has a cameo at best in the game. I didn't even see him in the begining but have since herad that is where he was. Too bad too. They really should have replaced Two-face with him since he has a significant history with Catwoman in the comics. Two-face was just sorely misused in this game IMO. That is really the only gripe I have with the game, and even that is laughable at the awesomeness of this game.

I sure hope DCD realized the HUGE potential here and masks all named villans. I'm really glad they've started a deluxe series since there are a good 2 figures from this game that need that treatment. :drool
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I got my Joker - Sickened Variant figure today in the mail. I didn't unbox the figure, but I did want to share some of the other Arkham City Collectibles I've gotten recently. I also got my Hot Toys Batman Begins Toy Fair exclusive from Sideshow, but it arrived with a broken right foot. That figure is seen in this video as well.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If anyone has a spare Harely with corrected gloves, I've got a spare NYCC Joker :monkey3
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That's a solid list. You forgot Grundy, though. I'd take a deluxe of him over several of the ones you listed. Nightwing, Two Face, Grundy and Strange are essentials ... as are those behind the spoiler tag. The other four -- Black Mask, Deadshot, Talia and Hatter -- would be a bonus. I think Black Mask may be the least likely, though ... he's more of a cameo.

I also wouldn't mind a Bruce Wayne and a Red Robin. They're running out of Batman variants, though (assuming they want a Batman in every wave). In addition to the Detective Vision Batman, I guess they could do a battle-damaged Batman ... or maybe skins. TDKR would be my first choice ... but I think it is one of the least likely because it would require a whole new figure from top-to-bottom rather than just a repaint.

Having now seen that we're getting a figure of Hush, and also now having seen that his role in the game is also just a quick cameo, it seems quite reasonable for us to get those other characters from the game in figure form.
Talia certainly has more screen time than Hush, as do Mad Hatter and Deadshot. If you include the Black Mask DLC then he gets a fair bit of screen time there too.
That said, it may not be the amount of game presence a character has that DCD takes into account, it could be that they gave us a Hush figure because they think he's super-popular in the Bat-community.

Yeah, Black Mask has a cameo at best in the game. I didn't even see him in the begining but have since herad that is where he was. Too bad too. They really should have replaced Two-face with him since he has a significant history with Catwoman in the comics. Two-face was just sorely misused in this game IMO. That is really the only gripe I have with the game, and even that is laughable at the awesomeness of this game.

I sure hope DCD realized the HUGE potential here and masks all named villans. I'm really glad they've started a deluxe series since there are a good 2 figures from this game that need that treatment. :drool
I also really hope the line continues until we get all the named villains. We'd have the largest Batman rogues gallery DCD (and probably any company) has done so far if they manage to get them all out.
The deluxe series is such a cool move from DCD. Totaly unexpected and the figures look amazing. The fact that there's a handfull of characters they can get into the deluxe line is even better too.

If anyone has a spare Harely with corrected gloves, I've got a spare NYCC Joker :monkey3
I don't have a spare Harley, but if you don't get any offers I'd be interested in that spare Joker you have!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Not DC Direct but just picked this up since I had a $5 TRU rewards coupon. When is the Robin 2 pack release date?