Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures
From the overall Arkham line, so far ...
- they've already done Batman, Batman (armored), Joker, Harley, Scarecrow, Bane, Ivy, and Zsasz (as well as two exclusives -- sick Joker, damaged Batman).
- they've announced -- [WAVE 1] Batman (unmasked), Harley, Robin, [WAVE 2] Batman (detective), Catwoman, Riddler, Hush, [WAVE 3] Penguin, [DX WAVE 1] Mr. Freeze (deluxe), Killer Croc (deluxe), [DX WAVE 2] Titan Joker (deluxe).
That leaves the following notable characters from the games unannounced/unproduced ... Two Face, Nightwing, Bruce Wayne, Hugo Strange, Solomon Grundy, Clayface, Ras Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Deadshot, Mad Hatter, Black Mask, Calendar Man, Azrael, Commissioner Gordon, Alfred, Aaron Cash, Vicki Vale, and those two one-armed Joker/Penguin goons. From the waves, it looks like 1 figure is missing from Wave 1 (assuming it is the same size as the other waves), 3 figures from Wave 3, and 1 more deluxe from DX Wave 2. That's if no other waves are announced. That's five total missing figures.
I think Two Face and Nightwing are the two most glaring omissions -- since Mattel did both, I'd say they're almost a sure thing. Grundy and Clayface will both have to be deluxe figures -- so they'd be released either alone or in a separate release (since there is clearly a deluxe line, I think the chances are good so long as Croc sells). I think Two Face, Nightwing and Grundy will be three of the five figures in the announced waves.
Beyond those -- I'd say Ras, Strange, Wayne, Hatter, and Deadshot are the next tier ... two of those will be the other two-of-five, and the rest are likely to be produced if the line gets that far. My guess would be Hugo Strange and Ras as the other two, with Hatter, Wayne and Deadshot left for a later wave. Clayface would have to be in a separate deluxe wave, I guess (I'd rather they just move Freeze to a standard wave to fit Clayface into the deluxe group ... I can't think of another deluxe figure to go with Clayface. Maybe the one-armed thugs?).
I'd like a Black Mask -- and nearly put him with that group above -- but he's just not in the game much. Gordon, Black Mask, Talia and those two siamese goons are the next group ... far less likely but plausible. I think Azrael, Calendar Man, Alfred, Cash, and Vale are most likely wishful thinking.