Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures
Got my Series 3 figures today, all excellent. Some Ras figures have dodgy eyes and oddly mishapen 'stretched' heads, but mine seems perfect. Azrael is also very nice, as is the new Batman. Penguin rocks - the cigar has notches in it so he can hold it pretty securely, and I just love the character design. The paintwork of scarring on the monocle and neck thing is a bit bad though - it makes them both look like birthmarks rather than bloody scars. The expression could be more neutral, and he could have some elbow articulation, but overall he's definitely one of my favourite figures of the line.
That said, there's still a feeling of cheapness. Comparing the original Arkham Asylum Batman to the new AA one, the skin tone of the old one is quite realistic and mucky, whilst the new one is a bit flawless and pale and toy-like. Also, his cape is a fraction too long - you have to leave a bit of space behind him to accomodate it. Still, I struggle to complain that majorly because I love this line. Since all my Wave 3 figures are good quality in terms of paintjobs etc I might take some pics, as existing ones people have uploaded aren't too flattering, particularly Ras. Oh, also, the arm joints (and maybe others) are now made of metal, visible in their armpits, presumably to prevent breakages like Croc, so that's good.
Just gotta weigh up whether to get Titan Joker now.