DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

This pic clearly shows why Freeze better not be the same price as Joker and Croc!

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

man the new batman looks great! love how Azreal looks too! can't wait for wave 3 and wave 2 hasn't even come yet :panic:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Looks like the new Batman's headsculpt is the same from the Arkham Asylum one.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Damn! Azrael looks superb! They're really cranking out some good sculpts now. Ra's is pretty cool too. A bit disappointed to see that the AC Batman looks a bit pin-headed still, as it should really be at least as big as the unmasked Wayne head, but maybe that will change...
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

man the new batman looks great! love how Azreal looks too! can't wait for wave 3 and wave 2 hasn't even come yet :panic:
Yeah I know how you feel! At least it's not too long now until wave 2 hits :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

The Mattel Catwoman looks much better imo.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Mattel's Robin is better than DCD's too. And Mattel's Batman head is far more accurate to the game's likeness than DCD's, but the rest isn't all that great, especially the paint. Their Joker truely sucks though :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

is the batman body a re use from the unmasked infected batman earlier? quite disappointed if it is.. as there is nothing new on this figure, re use head and re use body..
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

That is right, but you'd have to be a fool to think DCD was going to do anything different.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

is the batman body a re use from the unmasked infected batman earlier? quite disappointed if it is.. as there is nothing new on this figure, re use head and re use body..

the heads abit disapointing seeing as they arent following the shape of infecteds head. but then it wouldnt be right having AA and AC next to each other with different heads.

Bodywise, why would they make a new sculpt? its just a change of heads and hands thats all. so no need to change it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

CSC just put up the Deluxe figures for Pre-order. They have the MSRP at $55 and have them for $40. Croc and Joker are totally worth that price, but I'm sorry. Freeze ain't worth $55 compaired to the $25 basic figures. There isn't an additional $30 worth of value there IMO. I really hope this is just an error or else Freeze better be coming with a lot more stuff than what he is show with at Toy Fair. Do these all look like they should cost the same to you?


Grundy better only be $40 to make up for the rip off Freeze.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Hang on, you're saying CSC have them for $40 but say that the MSRP is $55? Because chances are the MSRP is actually $40. Which makes it less bad.

But Freeze could easily be cheaper. But if he's not, who actually cares? Those who really want Freeze, like me, will pay that price. Those that don't, won't. Simple. Plus I have no problem paying slightly more on this occasion to support such an amazing figure line like this.

Heck, all you gotta do is save money by skipping a night out/meal out/cinema trip/car journey somewhere to cover the cost anyway. :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Does anyone else wonder how we will get the second Joker Thug? Will he be a Con exclusive or a lucky dip in a wave or will we get 6 figures in the series 3 figures? Also interesting how the Penguin wasn't with the rest of the wave on display. Is that telling us something? Has he been pushed back to series 4 where we may get his thugs?
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Yea it's not even in terms of plastic but since you can pick up Croc for $40 instead of 55 it all sort of balances itself out, and honestly I forgive them and would rather have the option of dishing out more for him then not having him at all or spending $300 for a subpar custom you cant pose.

They are doing a great job with giving us a nice selection and some of the best Batman figures in this scale ever which is imo some of the best takes on the characters.

Freeze is a must for me, moreso then Croc or Titan Joker so if it's the only way they could do it as they said, then something is better then nothing.

And it's sure as heck better then a kneeling just got his ass kicked and needs a second no leg articulation Freeze like Bendy Knee Bane to make it work in the regular line. I wouldn't even have a problem dishing out $120 for an ebay Bane if he didn't look like he just got a kick in the nuts.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'd bet its just a 50/50 split variant on the thug. I'm sure when series 3 is officially solicited many sites will offer a set of 6 instead of 5 so you can get both thugs.

And yeah, they are saying MSRP on the Deluxe is $55 per figure! So $40 is the retailer discount price. Croc totally worth it. Freeze is not. I'm fine with the price being set across the board if it means we get the huge 13" Grundy for that price too. Otherwise if they want to have the cost on these go up on big figures, it needs to go down on smaller figures too. Remember Freeze was ALMOST a regular figure. $30 price increase it not fair on a figure just barely over the standard figure limit. Heck, Bane probably was the same way but they let him slide.

Freeze better come with EVERY Freeze gadget in the game and 2 vials of the cure as well then!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'd bet its just a 50/50 split variant on the thug. I'm sure when series 3 is officially solicited many sites will offer a set of 6 instead of 5 so you can get both thugs.

Do you really think this? It strikes me that we saw the whole wave 2 again and every figure of the deluxe, then we see wave 3 with every figure BUT Penguin. He isnt in any pictures of Toy Fair that I have seen.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

^ Yes, it was stated that the thugs will be a 50/50 split in shipping packs. Penguin is definitely in wave 3 and was shown at the pre-toyfair preview, plus he's in all the wave 3 promo advertising.

As for the whole Mr. Freeze price issue, sure it's not exactly logical that a smaller/lighter figure cost the same as a heavier one, but it is clear that a whole lot of detail and tooling went into that figure so I'm not against it's deluxe status.
I gotta say I'm with CultofSkaro on this. The price doesn't really play into it for those who really want the figure so it doesn't become that much of an issue really. It certainly won't for me anyway. Once I get that bad-boy in hand the last thing I'll be thinking of is why he cost the same as the other deluxes (if he does actually end up the same price anyway)

On a different subject - I'm really starting to think that Catwoman may have moveable goggles like the DCD Hush version had.... This photo shows there is a strap, and the goggles aren't exactly sculpted flush to the head, so it's entirely possible:
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

If they're really $40-$55 each, I'll skip the Titan Joker. I'll get the Freeze, but not without hesitation ... awesome character, awesome figure, too expensive. Croc is worth $40.

With wave 2, I'm thinking of skipping the Detective Vision Batman ... I just can't think of a good reason to buy it. Otherwise I'm in. I'll probably get all of Wave 3 -- but with one thug, not both.
