Super Freak
looks awesome man, I think your giving SS some ideas. Too bad you couldn't get katanas. I would pay $200 for that
Katana are in the works tomorrow
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looks awesome man, I think your giving SS some ideas. Too bad you couldn't get katanas. I would pay $200 for that
looks awesome man, I think your giving SS some ideas. Too bad you couldn't get katanas. I would pay $200 for that
I don't think anyone will be selling a 1:2 resembling that quality for $200.
But in any case, that bust looks incredible.
Sideshow doesn't sell quality Lsb's for $200?
You're comparing a one man operation to Sideshow?
hot toys must be do deadpools fıgure . maybe 2014 because 2014 movie will be done
hot toys must be do deadpools fıgure . maybe 2014 because 2014 movie will be done
And by 2014 Hot Toys will be charge $300.00.
I'm going to start collecting gnomes.
Anyone selling a dead pool figure? Or know where I can get my hands on one. Or even finding the suit an head sculpt?
Wolverine body, Superman boots, t-1000 guns, red ninja swords.... Dang this figure costs $250ish to make.