depression. ever had it?

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Hey dont say that. Its all about rolling with the tides and staying strong for tomorrow. I felt the same way and I feel down from time to time over girls and life in general but you just gotta keep pushing forward man. Life isn't easy.:1-1:

It sure isn't. Thanks though, man.

For you Snake Eater, trust me as hard as this sounds, you will get over her. Maybe even end up hating her on how she treated you afterwards. This is what happened to me, after a month and a half of being major depressed, I finally had the ***** to say 'Enough is enough' and let her go. In fact I am actually starting to like this other girl, sure she doesn't collect but she is at least extremely nice and caring.

So really all I have to say to both of you is that it will get better, no matter how hard it seems to move on or to hope that something will happen you must purist and move forward. Like Dr. Ian Malcolm always says...


Thanks man. This really out a smile on my face and much appreciated. :1-1:
thanks man! means alot. this is what I needed to hear!

Thanks man. This really out a smile on my face and much appreciated. :1-1:

Nice to hear that I have made you guys feel somewhat better. This is why we are called a community, we are all brothers and sisters in this small world. If we all just got a little support when things got hard the world would be in a lot better state. Hope you guys get well! :peace
DarkMatter, don't be posting that. Not everyone should get that info if it did happen. People should earn that trust. That and not everyone is mature here. It may open a door to an ugly room. Just delete your message, then I'll delete mine.

what name were you posting under? :dunno
I have severe depression, mood disorders, bipolar disorder. I'm on so much medication. I was on a super high dose of Zoloft like 400mg, I'm now down to 100mg. I don't see much of a future, I've always had some sort of a plan for where I was going and now I don't. I'm just really tired.

This is crazy, I would have no clue Chris, you're sculpting and turning out some nice work.

This thread is depressing. :lecture

It's time to start pwning!!!! You can never stop me...suns, moons, lightning, haters, weights, winds, grass, lava, poptarts. KFC.


The depression in this thread is heavy, I will go to the gym first thing tomorrow when everyone is sleeping so I can build a stronger/much wider back to carry the burden and then throw it into the sun.


It's time to start pwning!!!! You can never stop me...suns, moons, lightning, haters, weights, winds, grass, lava, poptarts. KFC.


The depression in this thread is heavy, I will go to the gym first thing tomorrow when everyone is sleeping so I can build a stronger/much wider back to carry the burden and then throw it into the sun.



Well all I can say is that I am %100 depression free. That girl I said I had a crush on a couple post back asked me out today. Never been so happy in my life! :yess:
Details? :D

and time to bring da PAIN!


Well me and her have known each other since Christmas and have been close friends since, even when I was dating my ex. She finally opened up to me today telling me how she felt and how much I meant to her. So I opened up to her aswell, and she asked me out. Sure she doesn't collect anything, but she at least accepts it and see's it as a hobby. I am a very lucky guy to have someone like her.