Super Freak
I'm on ps4
I have most of those done. Just need to find two fragments, and the crucible thing. How is that Crucible one done?
Also, i was just in the tower and got "Cadaver202 added you as a friend". I was thinking "Cadaver202... Why is that name familiar to me...?"
Now i know.
Let me know if you need a hand with any of them. I've done the sword quest 12 times myself across my characters.
I don't do much PVP. That would take me forever.
Just got my Titan figure with the Hawkmoon exclusive. Looks really cool. I don't remember what the hubub around the Halo figures were but this seems pretty good. Detail and weathering is top notch and weapons look outstanding. The joints aren't the tightest but there is a rubber suit on the outside under the armor to hide joints and helps keep it posed. I'm a huge Destiny fan so worth it for me just wish the armor set was cooler or a better color.
you guys on xbox or ps4?
Haha ya i kept on forgetting to add you. I could use help on the exotic sword quest for sure. I did it for my buddy who got the Raze Lighter but i got the arc sword and he bailed before he helped me with mine.
I never do pvp either but I started 2 days ago and maybe have played 6 matches and have got one left for step 2 and I'm about half way through step 3. it doesn't seem that bad really and I'm really bad at crucible. .73k/d I think.
Nice. I can totally help you out with the sword. You just need to do Alak Hul? I have a friend who needs the Arc sword too. We can three man it without a random.
Ya I just need to do Alak Hul but I don't want to do it with randoms. I'd be down it do that for sure!
Haha ya I should probably just do it. if you want to try the crucible quest i can help you out. just go into rumble and shoot each other for some of it.
Sounds great.
As for the sword, i meant it's easy in team chat with people who are looking for the same sword. I should be on shortly, and i'll see if my friend will also be on and we might be able to get on and get it done.
I stuck at work for the next 4 hours so it might have to wait till the weekend. I was just checking the Crucible quest link that was posted and it's out of date.
its actually much easier now. you don't have to win matches to get points
Now you tell me, lol. I haven't even done this week's nightfall.
Go!! Check out a farming video before you do, once you first see Omnigul in the hall you can kill her, she drops her jewels, wipe and repeat. Over and over.
Super easy because it's solar. Just need hunter with nighthawk and someone to thether.
Sorry Mate didn't know if you had done it before, it was my first time!
Because it's solar this week, it's super easy with a solar shotgun as special is favored rather than swords.
ya its going pretty smoothly so far for the quest. the hardest part was doing elimination this weekend because trials was cancelled.