Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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I can certainly respect other peoples opinions on the show, but it certainly doesn't mean I have to agree with them.

I can count on one hand the missteps they have taken with this series:

First and foremost Deb loving Dex. I understand she's had a LOT to deal with but I didn't want her to ever LOVE him! That scene (even though it wasn't really happening) where they looked lovingly into each others eyes and kissed was just...UGH!!!

Another misstep was having a disappointing conclusion to season 5. They set it up for a HUGE finale, but then they didn't deliver... Jordan Chase was too easily dispatched. Also we were lead to believe that Deb would walk in on Dex and Lumen. But she didn't... She was "supposed to uncover the secret right then and there, but didn't. BTW, Lumen wasn't my favorite either, but I didn't hate her.

Season 5 is ironically the weakest because of it's finale, despite having some of the best episodes in the series.

I don't much understand on how people can hate on season 6. Sure it had Travis, he was decent, not great, and it had the sibling love...:slap
But it also had one of the BEST twists of all time. Ghellar was dead the entire time!!!!! WHAAAAA??????!!!!!! :clap

The twist was a stroke of genius that deserves massive credit.

Other than that every thing else that could be considered a flaw is quite minor.

My ratings of each individual season:

Season 1: 9.5/10
Season 2: 9.0/10
Season 3: 9.0/10
Season 4: 9.5/10
Season 5: 8.0/10
Season 6: 8.5/10
Season 7: 9.5/10
Season 8: ?/10

I ,like others, don't want to see this show turn itself into crud. So them ending it for creative reasons is great news. Even though I'm sad to see it go.

Wanted to point out that my opinion differed GREATLY from some others on here. So there you have it.
Thats about where I would put it Celtic. Only id move Season 5 down a few spaces. Mostly because of how the trailers teased a much cooler season than we actually got.

I actually didn't hate season 7 that much though. It started off really strong with the Deb and Dex stuff. And all that stuff stayed good throughout the season. The problem came when the season morphed into "Dexter in Love: The Sequel". Almost all my problems with the season came from that stupid storyline.

I don't much understand on how people can hate on season 6. Sure it had Travis, he was decent, not great, and it had the sibling love...
But it also had one of the BEST twists of all time. Ghellar was dead the entire time!!!!! WHAAAAA??????!!!!!!

If the twist of Ghellar being dead the whole time was such a stroke of genius, how come everyone called it months before it happened?

And then the stupidest aspect of season 6 followed, with the Travis' split personality up and disappearing the second it became convenient for the plot.
Pretty much....felt pointless. The story really didn't interest me. I really hated the idea of Dexter having another love interest.

Oh and it looked like crap. Dexter used to have a great visual style, but switched it to cheap digital crap. Every episode felt like Doctor Who or something. But that's just me.

Plus, Dexter was really, really dumb in this one. He rarely covered his tracks, and just did things for the sake of it. Not to mention plot lines brought up out of nowhere, and then dropped the fire guy.

It came to a dull conclusion, which you could see coming a mile away, and and just put the icing on the cake for the possible crap shoot for the final season.

Also, Dex/Deb love is weird. And I don't like it. Fake siblings and all. Not once did the show ever hint on that.
Thats about where I would put it Celtic. Only id move Season 5 down a few spaces. Mostly because of how the trailers teased a much cooler season than we actually got.

I actually didn't hate season 7 that much though. It started off really strong with the Deb and Dex stuff. And all that stuff stayed good throughout the season. The problem came when the season morphed into "Dexter in Love: The Sequel". Almost all my problems with the season came from that stupid storyline.

Actually season 5 had a lot of very strong episodes. One such episode was the warehouse episode. I think the finale was the biggest let down of the entire season. Because the built up the tension had made it seem like the finale was going to be awesome. But it wasn't. That was the first real time I was disappointed with the show. It's crappy season 5 finale. There was no payoff.

And "Dexter in love" was in season 6 not 7. And if you mean by "The Sequel" Then come on! That was literally ONE part of ONE episode where she told Dex the reason she came to the church. If I remember correctly, than that was it. And the acting put of by Jennifer Carpenter was AMAZING!!! So i definitely can't hate on that scene. It gave me chills.

If the twist of Ghellar being dead the whole time was such a stroke of genius, how come everyone called it months before it happened?

And this is where it gets ice. This is an anonymous internet forum so asking this question is a joke in and of itself. But how many people can honestly raise there hand here and say they saw that twist coming. And I mean honestly...

After I had seen the entire season and was in shock and blown away by the direction it took I went online to read IGN's review of the season. I was excited to see what he and others thought of the twist that just left my jaw on the floor.

Only to read that as he calls it "the writing was on the wall" and how it was the most predictable twist ever and that those who didn't expect it where somehow *******...

He called people who didn't over analyze the episodes dumb, morons, imbeciles, well not in so many words but that was the gist of his review.

Look I know a LOT of people, a LOT of incredibly smart individuals who watch Dexter religiously. No one I know, be it family, friends, or acquaintances saw the twist coming.

The next day at work EVERYONE was shocked!!!! So I find it completely ironic that no one I know in the real world expected it, yet everyone on the interwebz did.

And you know what. I'm glad the twist hit me the way it did. Glad. Because it will be a moment I will always look back on fondly with my time with this show. And I feel sorry for those who didn't get to experience the revelation the same way I did.
Pretty much....felt pointless. The story really didn't interest me. I really hated the idea of Dexter having another love interest.

Oh and it looked like crap. Dexter used to have a great visual style, but switched it to cheap digital crap. Every episode felt like Doctor Who or something. But that's just me.

Plus, Dexter was really, really dumb in this one. He rarely covered his tracks, and just did things for the sake of it. Not to mention plot lines brought up out of nowhere, and then dropped the fire guy.

It came to a dull conclusion, which you could see coming a mile away, and and just put the icing on the cake for the possible crap shoot for the final season.

Also, Dex/Deb love is weird. And I don't like it. Fake siblings and all. Not once did the show ever hint on that.

I liked Hanna. I liked their relationship together. And I'm glad she's returning for the eight season. So whatever. Differences in opinion, that's fine.

I don't quite understand what you mean by visual style as it all looks the same to me. The show looked the same from season 1 all the way to season 7, at least to me. So I didn't pick up on anything...

I agree I would have liked the fire guy to evolve into something more. It was an interesting concept that came and went too quickly. But to be fair a LOT of killers come and go quickly in this show. It started all the way back in season 1 and hasn't stopped since. But I guess you could argue he was given more weight to the story only to be dropped ,what, the next episode or so so yeah. I kinda agree.

Disagree with the conclusion though. Holy crap the conclusion, I thought, was satisfying and incredible.

But I'm back to agreeing with you once again on the "sibling love". Yuck, did we really have to endure through that?!
After I had seen the entire season and was in shock and blown away by the direction it took I went online to read IGN's review of the season. I was excited to see what he and others thought of the twist that just left my jaw on the floor.

Only to read that as he calls it "the writing was on the wall" and how it was the most predictable twist ever and that those who didn't expect it where somehow *******...

He called people who didn't over analyze the episodes dumb, morons, imbeciles, well not in so many words but that was the gist of his review.

Look I know a LOT of people, a LOT of incredibly smart individuals who watch Dexter religiously. No one I know, be it family, friends, or acquaintances saw the twist coming.

The next day at work EVERYONE was shocked!!!! So I find it completely ironic that no one I know in the real world expected it, yet everyone on the interwebz did.

And you know what. I'm glad the twist hit me the way it did. Glad. Because it will be a moment I will always look back on fondly with my time with this show. And I feel sorry for those who didn't get to experience the revelation the same way I did.

It wasn't so much the twist, but it was just... cheap. It would have been kind of cool if they had the first real duo up against Dex, but they decided Olmos was better suited as a mere figment. It was a real shame because he had so much more presence than Hanks and once he was safely tucked away in the ice box, DK ceased to be compelling for me. They tried to give him followers but I never bought this guy as having enough charisma to pull it off.

Then it showcased the unlikely event of Travis outmanuevering Dex followed by a miracle escape and rescue by illegal immigrants on a boat. WTF season 6.
I don't much understand on how people can hate on season 6. Sure it had Travis, he was decent, not great, and it had the sibling love...:slap
But it also had one of the BEST twists of all time. Ghellar was dead the entire time!!!!! WHAAAAA??????!!!!!! :clap

The twist was a stroke of genius that deserves massive credit.

But it was a twist that nearly everyone of us guessed weeks before it was revealed. :dunno

Edit: Just saw that Shadow already pointed that out. hey ho. :wave
But it was a twist that nearly everyone of us guessed weeks before it was revealed. :dunno

Well, being on an internet forum and talking predictions and thoughts/conclusions is probably the reason why.

And that's the very reason I don't go on Dexter discussion forums or read any episode reviews anymore once a new season starts up. Too many chances someone will predict something that will come out true or close to true enough. Everyone's analyzing the show and brainstorming ideas. I don't analyze, I watch and enjoy.

I used to be a member of Dexter forums but I stopped going to them after season 4 ended. Why? Because I had known that almost everyone hated Rita and wanted her dead so the finale, while still somewhat shocking and unbelievable was something I kinda saw coming.

so I decided never again.

So I guess I shouldn't be here. :lol
I don't much understand on how people can hate on season 6. Sure it had Travis, he was decent, not great, and it had the sibling love...:slap
But it also had one of the BEST twists of all time. Ghellar was dead the entire time!!!!! WHAAAAA??????!!!!!! :clap

The twist was a stroke of genius that deserves massive credit.

:lecture I also loved the Book of Revelation unlocking clues. I have never bothered with DaVinci Code or any of that nonsense so this actually felt fresh to me using the Bible to unlock clues to a mystery.

Season 1: 9.5/10
Season 2: 9.0/10
Season 3: 9.0/10
Season 4: 9.5/10
Season 5: 8.0/10
Season 6: 8.5/10
Season 7: 9.5/10
Season 8: ?/10

I'd bump up Season 1 to a 10/10, Season 4 a 9/10, and Season 7 an 8/10. But yeah, we're mostly on the same page. Glad to hear not everyone is so critical of this show :1-1:

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