Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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I just saw the last episode. Meh, kind sad that such a great show (well, for most part) had to end like this. All I can say is that they should have either killed dexter, or give him a happy ending. How they manage to pick a third, worse option is beyond me.

Personally, I wished they had killed him, for the Wow factor. That alternated ending they had in mind would have been welcomed.
It's also the first time you ever see Dexter cry. Dexter killing himself never felt quite believable to me.


Why wait till the end of the series to start caring about what's believable?

I mean, every other person you meet in Miami is a serial killer.... Dexter drives into a hurricane... TROJAN FORCE.

I mean seriously now.

All of the supporting cast just basically got skipped over. I mean, all this build up for Quinn and then nothing, just a glance to Dexter and a wish that he could've killed Saxon. All the teasing with Batista, making fans think that he'd have some impact on the story just to end with him making a shocked face over a phone call about Dexter's boat. No Harry in the finale???? No point of clarity? Basically, Harry got turned into a joke. His code was from Vogel which gave him no worth and then on top of that, he killed himself?

damn! that last episode sucked! it just ended with him as a sad lumberjack!hahaha
and did any one see baby harrison that was a really obvious doll?hahaha
The kids playing Harrison this season were beyond awful!!!

Hannah should have come back after revenge, god she was such a bore this season.

This whole season just turned out crap, why the hell did they write it like this.

Breaking Bad has been awesome in it's final season and Dexter has just been ****. Clearly 8 seasons was too many!
So Saxon can remove a tongue with precision but doesn't know that stabbing someone in the shoulder won't kill him ? :lol

:lecture I said the same thing when they were watching the security tape. All the precision brain surgeries he conducted combined with the tongue removal, and he couldn't even aim for the heart??

~~I'd like to think that he knew the gig was up and Dexter had beaten him, and letting Dexter kill him with the pen was the honorable way to go.
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