Yeah back on topic please...whats the point of nitpicking about what the creators of the show chose not to do? It's one thing to say, I think it would be cool if they had done this or that, or I wish they would've done that. and It's another to discuss that.
then theres to argue it like any opposing opinion is wrong or something when they are siding with what the show actually did.
The show is what it is...not what it isn't.
at the same time, different themes might be important to some people rather than others...but the show is constantly evolving from the beginning structure every season. live with it...or complain yourself to death on imdb.
I'm thinking that this new season is sort of blowing season 4 and trinity out of the water...and I thought that one was nothing short of amazing. This one started out being really uneasy and I really wasn't sure if I was gonna like it...but it slowly forced me to. I didn't want lumen and dexter to hook up but I was really psyched when they did. I have literally no idea what will happen and I do help shell stick around, and that theyll bring back cody and astor in the near future.