Ive found the whole season to be pretty exciting. The first couple episodes were very difficult to watch with the rita carry over, but I've been impressed with the intensity of it thus far.
I'm really excited for the next two episodes but I hope they more or less clear up whether or not there is evidence against dexter and lumen by the end of the season. That's sort of a big thing.
I might be alittle bit dumb, but has he been recording them...I thought he was possibly just watching...That does seem a bit naive.
If he's not his credibility is pretty ____ty, worse than quinns. Quinn probably doesn't want it to get out that he hired this guy to further his dexter paranoia.
He sees that they have knives and were dumping something in the ocean... but it seems as though dexter catches on to being recorded in the next episode. That is definitely curious evidence but he hasn't seen them commit a crime. There's no law against having "beautiful" knives. I guess they are suspicious littering mostly.
How Quinn reacts to the heat is going to be important. Theres definitely going to be something with him debra and robocop. going to be interesting.
Well, I'm pretty sure it's all recorded...audio and video with them talking about killing and everything. He's caught on that it's much more serious than he imagined before. It still remains to be seen what will happen with Robocop's newfound knowledge, but knowing his character, he'll probably want to use it for blackmail or some type of serious leverage. My guess is Dexter will go after Quinn due to the faked request forums and all.
agreed on Jordan Chase, he's really turned out to be a good bad guy. Yes, the season did start off slow but it really picked up. They did a good job with developing Jordan Chase and Lumen as characters, I wasn't sure at first if they could make them important but they did.
The wait is killing me.