Super Freak
Studies on decapped rats...
lmao. Show me a study with human beings that proves that. Right.
Keep in mind, YOU'RE the one saying that death is both instantaneous AND painless when Dexter stabs his victims through the chest with a big ass knife. I agree that death would be fast (with a severed aorta) but it would definitely not be instantaneous AND definitely not painless. Even the crap you linked agrees with me.

As far as the whole vigilante thing that you continue to babble on about.. you're still avoiding the initial exchange we had. You said the only difference between a Serial Killer and a Vigilante (according to the dictionary definitions you copied) was "Justice".
I corrected you and added another difference: Killing goes hand-in-hand with being a Serial Killer. Can't just go around wounding people and be considered a Serial Killer. Right? But you can go around like the Guardian Angels and protect the streets and stop crime and be considered a Vigilante without ever killing someone.
So you were wrong. But instead of admitting it you continually rant and rave about Batman, the Punisher and every other comic book guy you can think of to avoid that fact. It's fun to read though!