HAHAHA -- LOL at those that were like, "no way they are hooking up or implying that...," HAHAHHAA.
When they were playing that angle, and Deb's dream, I was laughing hysterically. It was so corny.
To summarize episode:
1. They are setting up the next season IMO with the collector, and his delivery of the 'hand' for some future storyline...
I don't care where it goes at this point, it looks interesting.
2. The ending was hack and just dopey. A ring of fire, Dexter was all tied, ready to be blown to bits, and AGAIN, like a super-hero, he escapes. It's one of those WTF moments that you have to suspend reality and just say...,"Geez!"
Either you dispose of him (which wont happen, clearly), or, don't set that up like that. Dexter is pinned there -- has the effects of the gas, Travis couldve done what he pleased with him, yet... that's what happens? Ok, Superman... Dexter. Writing fail there - dont do that again. It's not a Marvel or DC comic book.
3. YESSSS -- danger to Harrison. And Travis going after the beasts' son. I LOVE IT. Dexter and his human emotions will surely be exposed and his LOVE will be out for the world to see as his son is on the verge of God knows what.

LOL I know, hahaha, is funny everything some of us were discussing about the romantic angle and Harrison being in danger was being set up lol, I know Harrison will not be killed but what if he is kidnapped by someone, that would be just as bad,
about Deb's dream, I actually found the pic of their "encounter" online LOL,
This just got good,
I Hated the ending, They set it up perfectly, Travis came, Dexter got dizzy, Travis overpowered him, All Up to the point Dexter faints, I was excited, like something good might happen...
then Travis acts like a Bond Villain and leaves Dexter to die without even staying to see....
and Dexter uses magic to escape.... They could have set up something else, something that made it seem more of a treat to Dexter, I don't know, the ring of fire felt really stupid actually