Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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Um, sorry, but you're wrong.

Uh, no i'm not. I didn't hate this season like everyone else...but it was just wasn't that amazing. It never hit it's stride, I rarely ever cared...

The ending was good. That made me happy.....I just think they could've done more.
And if you really loved it so much...well, great. So happy for you. But most of us didn't love it.

So understand that.
I was only replying to you because it seemed like you found it hard to believe those people on IMDb could actually like this season. No, you're not a "troll" for disagreeing with them, but they're not " :cuckoo: " for enjoying the show.

Also, you don't have to try and convince me that this season was a disappointment...because I loved everything about it, and that's not going to change. People, including yourself, just have to accept the fact that there are quite a few fans out there that would agree with me, that this season was awesome.

but you don't understand
first of all I asked you if you thought it was good that Deb is in love with him and why, and i asked if you didnt find this season predictable.

but anyways I could care less if you guys love it it not.
the problem is that I Love Dexter and I love Michael C. Hall
is my favorite show on TV.
But I am afraid of how the writers of the show are screwing with the characters and the plot.
I want nothing more than to have a season 7 and 8 to be as good as 1 or 4. I really really don't want the next two seasons to be like this one.

Dexter using a gun while driving was not good, at all, whether you love the show or not. that was cheesy.
like I said. I watched the entire season. I like parts of it. but as a whole it was predictable and unsatisfactory. Im glad you loved it, really, but, when there are this many hardcore fans of the show not pleased with the show, there is something going on. and like I said I didn't even hate season 5 lol
Uh, no i'm not.

:lol Yes you said even the very most die hard of fans would have seen this season as disappointing. I didn't...a few of my friends didn't, so yeah, you're wrong.

And I can fully accept the fact that many people may have found it disappointing. But I didn't, so don't go making generalisations about all of Dexter's "die hard fans".

but you don't understand
first of all I asked you if you thought it was good that Deb is in love with him and why, and i asked if you didnt find this season predictable.

I do understand, and I didn't answer that question because I don't have to explain why I loved this season. I was just making it clear that there are fans out there that did in fact enjoy season 6 of Dexter.
And all i'm saying is, if you can't see this being somewhat disappointing...then I don't know. I don't see how you can see this is perfect.
Hi, die hard fan here. Didn't love the season. You're wrong.

I didn't say there weren't die hard fans that didn't like it. You said that "even the most die hard fan could see this season was disappointing"...yes, a die hard fan may see it as disappointing, but not all die hard fans found it disappointing.

we are all love dexter here,
this season is done and done. Im really dreading Just thinking about what the writers are going to do next.... and that is not a good thing,
Before i would be excited, i would be shocked, there was so much anticipation, now all I can do is Hope and Pray they don't screw it up too much,I want a Decent Ending, We deserve a decent ending,
I can't believe I'm saying this but...
wow, what a lame show this was....
seriously if i went back in time and told myself Dexter sucks now I would say im crazy and slap myself,

anyway... this might be the first time this happens but the preview for this week's show that we saw last week totally gave away this episode, everything in the preview happened but that was it.....

I wonder, If there are 2 more seasons Deb must not turn it Dexter,
I mean, what else can happen...
OR Else Louis Kidnaps Debra for the entire season 7 and comes back in season 8...
Which I could see them doing......

I'll say this:
The rooftop stuff was corny and hack writing. "Inject yourself...," and the happenings afterwards, him waving the sword arrive, it was just hacky. Same with the horrid ring of fire - pathetic.

It could have been way more creepier, the Harrison abduction, and they failed with that. The apt. sneak in... also very comical.

Yesterday was another show where they tried to set things up, the pacing was obvious - the cause and effect thing - to really set up an angle, and they telegraphed it.

well sure of course, I still love Dexter, I stick to the show this entire season

but we all can have a mature and civilized conversation here, and talk about the show

but saying anyone that thinks the show was not good this season is a troll doesn't really show smart thinking, "just because you don't agree with me you must be a trolll"

and, my beliefs do not require others to agree with them, I really liked season 5, season 3 is not as bad as this one, people hate season 5 but fomr some reason I liked it,
im not going to deny that there were a lot of problems with season 3 and 5 and blindly follow a show that has crappy writers, and imagine anytime anyone disagree with me i would call them a troll?

This season, Deb's love for Dexter... you really thought that was good?
you didn't think Dexter fainting right before trying to get Travis was very predictable? I mean, people have already said what's wrong with the show,
I have no problem with people liking the show, but is the blindly following and the denying there is a problem this season is what bothers me
because the writers think that people loved this season and they could think they are doing a great job with being predictable, doing stuff that makes no sense and thinking we are idiots

The show is not immune from crtitiqe... some people think they ar ebetter fans because they will always say, "I loved it..., I dont care what anyone says, be a true Dexter fan," and that should not be the case.

We all love the show - we wouldnt post countless of times on here for Pete's sake...

We want the best for the show and want it to live up to its lofty standards.

Keep on posting...

Oh, I have my thoughts for next year.
It's a little bit lame how easily Travis got onto the top of that building, I mean surely the buildings own security would have been under orders to look out for Travis Marshal if that was the only cop they had there on patrol.
I thought the last episode was a good ending to the poorest season so far (And hopefully ever) I will also put my hands up and say I did not expect Deb to find out this season, so it was shocking to me. I will stay optimistic and will hope for a better season next year.
I personally loved Season 6... thought it was fantastic!

Had me on edge a several times. I actually thought that Batista was going to die... the show's had surprising deaths before, so imo, no one's really safe - and I care about most of the characters.

I enjoyed the theme music for DDK, (Trinity theme was my all-time fav. theme). I loved the episode where Dexter looked up Trinity's son.

I rank the seasons:

1. Season 4
2. Season 2
3. Season 6
4. Season 1
5. Season 5
6. Season 3
Last night...

"Im a father, a son and a serial killer...," was a stellar line. They milked that interaction on the kill table way too long though.

Loved the ending, but they did just draw it out.

Love the fact that he referenced Bro. Sam and all his teachings....
Way too many bull____ scenarios in this season. Very disappointing. The worst was that the cliffhanger finale that we all knew would come one day and we have been clamoring for just didn't have an emotional impact for me due to the lackluster season and the actual episode it occured in. Im praying for the best in the new season coming.
I think next year I am staying away from the boards until the whole season is over. It was kind of hard to enjoy the show with everyone creaming it every week, including myself. Not sure if I would have even saw the Gellar thing if not for Giant Chicken's post.
I've got a friend who totally disagrees about this series being the weakest. He reckons it's character development. Yeah alright.

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