Super Freak
$59.99 at GameStop. That's not a bad price.
I might pick up the Diablo III Signature Series Official Strategy Guide for $21.99.
I try to stay away from Gamestop as much as possible since there whole business model is based around screwing developers from the money they are owed.
Uh, k...but what's of Tyreal?
GameStop is closer to me. Besides, Best Buy is like 5 miles away.
Uh, k...but what's of Tyreal?
GameStop is closer to me. Besides, Best Buy is like 5 miles away.
Ah well because you see him in the TV spot so it got my geek juice flowing.
the angel with the crown above his head is imperius the arch angel of valor. I actually like the look of him more than tyrael.
Ah, I thought so. How you know by the way? I read all the diablo novel and I don't recall. Only scene is the last of the three series (the sin war), where there's a discussion in heaven at the end. But I don't recall any angel with a crown. You get read it from The Book of Cain?
Yea, he looks cooler too but kinna reminds me of like HellBoy with his crown.
I could be wrong but I doubt that's Tyreal. I don't remember Tyreal ever have a crown floating on his head. Maybe that's one of the council or elder member. I am sure Tyreal is an Arch-Angel or whatever but haven't seen a crown on him.
You must be refering to the second angel that could be Tyreal.
the angel with the crown above his head is imperius the arch angel of valor. I actually like the look of him more than tyrael.
Ah, I thought so. How you know by the way? I read all the diablo novel and I don't recall. Only scene is the last of the three series (the sin war), where there's a discussion in heaven at the end. But I don't recall any angel with a crown. You get read it from The Book of Cain?
Yea, he looks cooler too but kinna reminds me of like HellBoy with his crown.
Anyone know a link where I can get videos to the cinematics that take place in-game and won't be on Blizzard's official site? Life the cinematic that happens after you kill Diablo.
Ah I didn't read the books so I didn't know that.
I've read most WarCraft books but none of the Diablo ones are they as good?
Are you talking about the Diablo II widescreen DVD movie that was released with Lord of Destruction?
I've read just about all the previous comic/paperback. Most are good. It also depends on if you like to delve deep into this type of story. I would miss alot if I didn't read 3 of the Sin War. I know, after reading it, how/why sanctuary was made and its early history. Those who read it, know that angels and demons aren't so badass. I'll get the Book of Cain eventually I guess.
He's refering to the DIII's Diablo ending. They haven't even release the game yet so they're not going to give anything like that away.![]()
I do love to delve deeper into story of lore from games I like so I may check the Sin War trilogy as I've heard good things about it. Are the other ones not as good?
I'm very excited for the Book of Cain too.