My brother was a recruiter for the AI in Dallas (recently fired due to the economy) It's got a varied list of classes, but you don't spend enough time one what you need to know. Web design is a good thing to learn, it pays well. Graphic Design is a very bad choice right now, way too many people for that. Animation is kind of different. If you haven't done this stuff before you will be very behind, and if you want to get anywhere you're going to have to put a lot of time on your own, you won't learn nearly enough just from what they teach you.
I'm currently finishing a computer science degree in Animation from a different college and most students don't put in enough time and will have a really hard time getting a job when they graduate.
I am currently a Web Application Developer for the State of Pa so I already have my career. I am looking to broaden it though and get more experience with animation for the web and what are you guys hoping to do career wise with these design degrees? i would be curious to see some portfolios of some more work![]()
so what are you guys hoping to do career wise with these design degrees? i would be curious to see some portfolios of some more work![]()
how much do these online classes cost? just curious. i do not have a degree, but web design seems interesting to me.
At AAU, for 15 weeks, I pay about $2,500 for 3 credits (1 class). Being as I usually take two classes, add in books/materials/software... you're talking about $6k for two classes.
I forgot how expensive school is. hence why i joined the army. i am prob. gonna continue without a degree for a while, but i am sure i can get some $$ from uncle sam
Downside is a lot of work is now going to India and Canada so you really gotta be on the ball. Check out the guys on very cool guys and very helpful.
At AAU, for 15 weeks, I pay about $2,500 for 3 credits (1 class). Being as I usually take two classes, add in books/materials/software... you're talking about $6k for two classes.