DID... contender even Hot Toys should watch out for?

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i actually love how most of the 1/6th manufacturers keep pushing themselves. competition is good for this 1/6th world............more realistic sculpts, realistic clothing, & badass accessories, etc, etc......(higher prices too)

now all we have to do is shop around for who has the lowest increased price.....:D
Nice head sculpts! But I don't see anything there that's close to this level of awesomeness...



I honestly think HT and DiD have very different niches though...
HT is more commercial licensed stuff, while DiD does a lot of amazing Historical figures...
I'm glad to have them both! :rock!
Been collecting DiD for am while now and I love their Nazi stuff specially the vintage ones.
Again, not sure what constitutes Iron Man as one of the best HT figures, I really think a company like Hasbro can come close to pulling off something close. only My opinion of course but i never liked that figure. I loved the movie so i have one and it never excited me at all.

I always had a problem with the anatomy, his shoulders way too wide, his legs way to skinny... The whole thing looks really toy-ish to me. The metal not as realistic as it could be, it looks like plastic, the joints are visible as a toy would be, the shoulder area looks totally like a Marvel Legend would. I'm personally really hoping they can pull off a decent Iron man for the second movie.

Do love the HT endos tho.
their sculpts are nicely painted, but their final production piece isn't as good as those photos though. their gear and weapons on the other hand is badass. same thing with soldier story. gear and things are nice but heads are gawdawful and really floppy body
Been collecting DiD for am while now and I love their Nazi stuff specially the vintage ones.

I would love to get one! I only have the samurai and the American soldier. I backed off from the Nazi because it's, well a Nazi, but my girlfriend at the time was Asian, well, is Asian. So she said if anyone questioned your morals, you have me. Yeah, that was one evil nutty woman, but she was right.

And as far as tailoring and accessories go... coming from a HT collector who has way more money invested in HT vs. DiD, I prefer DiD's tailoring and accessories over HT by a fair margin.