Kay, what kind of Tron stuff? I don't play video games but really like these figures. Have held off on buying any (although I'm very tempted to get The Incredibles figures), but if they made Tron figures I would get each and every one.
Not too much right now. There's no dedicated Tron characters or levels, at the moment, nor are there any confirmed plans to include them, but there are a couple of Tron in-game items that can be collected...
Quick run down in case you don't know the specifics, but in a nut shell, Infinity is split into 2 sections, Playsets and Toy Box. Playsets are basically levels where you play a "campaign" for lack of a better term. You start with 3 (Incredibles, PoTC, and M. Inc) and can purchase others (Cars/Lone ranger). In these Play Sets, you are required to play as characters that coincide with them. In other words, Mr. Incredible can't go busting up surly pirates, ect. In the Toy Box, however, you can mix and match virtually anything. This includes changing skins, vehicles, sky and terain textures, ect. It's like a giant world editor where anything goes. You could put 6 Epcot centers in the middle of dessert landscape with a fishbowl sky while Sully pilots an Army helcoptor, for instance.
That being said, currently the only Tron elements so far are Light Runner and Recognizer vehicles, a mini program character, and both Grid terrain and Sky textures. The vehicles are won in-game by spending credits, and the map textures are aquired through pysical power discs that are for sale in stores in random packs of two.
While that may not seem like much, I'm pretty shockled they bothered to give Tron as much content as they did. It's pretty apparent the devs involved, unlike corporate, are fans. I'm hoping they introduce a single character figure in the future. Even an animated Tron from Uprising or Beck would be fine by me, but as it stands now, being able to create an entire in-game Grid, complete with Light Runner, that plays Daft Punk's End of Line, when entered is pretty awesome, imo. Is that alone worth purchasing the game for, no, but it was a great bonus being that I was pretty much doomed into buying it, anyway.