Disney Purchasing FOX. Bryan Singer Swims Alone.

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Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

She's one of the worst things about the movies for me. You can tell she just doesn't like playing as mystique, and it shows.

Honestly, I rather them recast all these X-Men and F4 actors for the MCU if this deal goes down. Recasting has to happen eventually and I think it's about time for something refreshing.

She literally said she rather be in guardians. Damn that’s just....... disrespectful
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

She literally said she rather be in guardians. Damn that’s just....... disrespectful

Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

Now that Singer’s career is over with at Fox studios (he was just fired) that tells me the Disney sale is moving forward because Disney does not want the baggage that Singer would bring with him especially after they had to remove Lasseter they’re not going to bring Singer onboard.

Spacey done.
Singer done.

Ian McKellen is next.

The twink rape gang is being broken up.
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Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

Damn singer got fired? Good. I knew it would happen.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

I'm sure him and McKellen did some rotisserie action with youngsters.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

If Ian McKellen gets accused of anything, he might end up dying from the stress.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

Damn singer got fired? Good. I knew it would happen.

He was notorious for not showing up to his set in the XM and SR movies so now when he did it again on the Queen bio movie just now Fox said enough is enough you’re a liability and Disney wouldn’t want you anyways so you’re fired.

I'm sure him and McKellen did some rotisserie action with youngsters.


I don’t see how McKellen didn’t since he and Spacey were at those Singer parties.

Guilty by association.
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Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

To those who quoted my post: I agree that realistically that The Mouse will probably recast, but Jackman has said that he fought Fox to let him perform with the Avengers. I truly believe Hugh would fight for at least one appearance.

I would love to see Hugh in the MCU as Wolverine, even if it's just a one shot movie appearance.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

That’s a tough one for me.

I want to see Hugh just one more time because he wanted so badly to be in the MCU in his costume but at the same time i’m ready for a visually proper looking Wolverine.

So there lies the problem if they use Hugh one last but in the MCU it’s going to be a weird transition to the new MCU Wolverine if he hangs it up after that.

Unless he’s going to remain Wolverine.

Do you see the dilema Marvel would have to deal with.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

just hire him as the Thing for fantastic 4, problem solved
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!


Recast everyone and start over on the X-Men.

Try and keep Deadpool somehow.

Well Deadpool is kinda of his own universe and only briefly brushes up on them so I think he'll continue with whatever comes next.

I do like McAvoy and Fass as their respective rolls, but Fox has soured them for me with the awfulness that was Apoopalypse. It isn't their fault, they were given **** to work with.

J-Law... please go away. Hopefully they full reboot it and keep her a villain. Dye Fass's hair White to match the comics. It would be incredibly to see a more or less classic Magneto look on screen and actually see his magnetic energy instead of all his stuff just looking like Force powers >_>

Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

If the X-men are rebooted in the MCU I would prefer them to start with the actual original team (Cyke, Jean, Beast, Iceman and Angel).

I'd love to see Jackman in the wolverine suit in the MCU but he doesn't have enough movies left in him (wolverine is a physically demanding role) to take on the character going forward. If Marvel want to play it smart they could do some form of Secret Wars event movie which could bring back some of the Fox-men, have them in costume (like Hugh) also include Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland and include some MCU characters and say that they all from different multiverses or something. It could be a one in done deal and establish that these other cinematic versions of these characters are linked via mulitiverses but only the ones in the Marvel/ Disney movies exist in the MCU.
Re: FOX Resumes Talks With Disney! Most People Happy!

I got a boner reading your Multiverse post.

It also helps that i’m looking at JLaw’s smoking body on google lol

But yeah make that multiverse a reality please.