Disney Purchasing FOX. Bryan Singer Swims Alone.

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Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Welcome to the Sideshow Freaks Movie forum. :lol

Yea....priorities a bit skewed getting so upset about movies or toys and believes it’s a reflection of something greater in the grand scheme of things...

Why I love this place .....such passion 😏
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

The masses would love it though. Just look at some of the people on this thread. They don't want a cerebral CBM. They want something fun and stupid like Ragnarok. The MCU is tailor-made for a society of people who want to literally turn off their brains whilst watching the [art-form] of film.

No they don't, the existence of movies like Deadpool and Logan prove it, generic transformation is already happening. But Marvel won't change until one of their movies bomb, that won't happen any time soon, but it will happen if they keep this up.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why are we not allowed to be hybrids though. Our brains can handle the load.

Everything Snikt complains about the MCU is pretty spot on god bless his little soul.

I’m one of those mindless MCU loving idiots he’s worried about.

But at the same time I just purchased Criterion Black Orpheus....NOT Orifice you pigs....Orpheus....yet i’m looking forward to TLJ

I love TDK and Logan yet I also enjoyed Thor 3.

Come, join the master hybrid race.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

What a pleb Jye is. I bet he was drooling and eating his boogies during Thor 3. smh

You shame our famry, Jye-San.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why are we not allowed to be hybrids though. Our brains can handle the load.

Everything Snikt complains about the MCU is pretty spot on god bless his little soul.

I’m one of those mindless MCU loving idiots he’s worried about.

But at the same time I just purchased Criterion Black Orpheus....NOT Orifice you pigs....Orpheus....yet i’m looking forward to TLJ

I love TDK and Logan yet I also enjoyed Thor 3.

Come, join the hybrid race.

I think most people operate like that. They just like what they like and don't care if it's a Fox, Disney, or Sony movie. I love several two - three minute stretches of BvS. SEVERAL.

It's only on niche communities with 10-20 regular posters that you get the vitriolic, repetitious "go team" goonery.

Disagree about the MCU - it ain't rocket surgery but it's better than it gets credit for (in this type of environment).
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why do people preorder advanced tickets? I don't get it. I especially don't get when people brag about doing so.

I saw Avengers opening night, bought tickets the day of, got great seats. I saw TFA opening night in a packed theater, ordered my tickets an hour before the showing, got great seats. Same for Rogue One.

It's not like the box office closes or there's sold out showings. When I saw the Nolan Batman films in IMAX, I purchased those tickets the day of and didn't have trouble going opening night. There were a **** ton of people and lines, sure, but not buying months in advance wasn't a detriment to getting good seats or seeing it.

The only time I've preordered or reserved tickets are for special showings at like AMC theaters where they show classic films and I want the special luxury box seats where you can sit up in the balcony and drink booze. That's it.

I'm in a city too.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why do people preorder advanced tickets? I don't get it. I especially don't get when people brag about doing so.

Are they bragging about it or just excited, and sharing their excitement?
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Are they bragging about it or just excited, and sharing their excitement?

I don't know. It's probably the latter, but that annoys me too. They don't know why they're excited. Their brainlessness triggers me.

And yet, I envy them. That simple mindedness. That enthusiasm to throw down coin on the same product every year again and again and again. How I wish I was less bitter. I want to be the lowest common dominator that claps like a trained seal at Porgs or laughs out loud at **** jokes.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why do people preorder advanced tickets? I don't get it. I especially don't get when people brag about doing so.

I saw Avengers opening night, bought tickets the day of, got great seats. I saw TFA opening night in a packed theater, ordered my tickets an hour before the showing, got great seats. Same for Rogue One.

It's not like the box office closes or there's sold out showings. When I saw the Nolan Batman films in IMAX, I purchased those tickets the day of and didn't have trouble going opening night. There were a **** ton of people and lines, sure, but not buying months in advance wasn't a detriment to getting good seats or seeing it.

The only time I've preordered or reserved tickets are for special showings at like AMC theaters where they show classic films and I want the special luxury box seats where you can sit up in the balcony and drink booze. That's it.

I'm in a city too.

Two simple reasons. You can avoid the long ticket lines and you can reserve your exact seats in the auditorium. I did this for The Force Awakens and Rogue One. No line and no worries about finding seats I like. It's all taken care of in advance.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why do people preorder advanced tickets? I don't get it. I especially don't get when people brag about doing so.

I saw Avengers opening night, bought tickets the day of, got great seats. I saw TFA opening night in a packed theater, ordered my tickets an hour before the showing, got great seats. Same for Rogue One.

It's not like the box office closes or there's sold out showings. When I saw the Nolan Batman films in IMAX, I purchased those tickets the day of and didn't have trouble going opening night. There were a **** ton of people and lines, sure, but not buying months in advance wasn't a detriment to getting good seats or seeing it.

The only time I've preordered or reserved tickets are for special showings at like AMC theaters where they show classic films and I want the special luxury box seats where you can sit up in the balcony and drink booze. That's it.

I'm in a city too.

Hey buddy ...... gotta enjoy life. Preorder tickets.
Re: FOX Sees The Light & Starts Talks With Disney...

Why do people preorder advanced tickets? I don't get it. I especially don't get when people brag about doing so.

I saw Avengers opening night, bought tickets the day of, got great seats. I saw TFA opening night in a packed theater, ordered my tickets an hour before the showing, got great seats. Same for Rogue One.

It's not like the box office closes or there's sold out showings. When I saw the Nolan Batman films in IMAX, I purchased those tickets the day of and didn't have trouble going opening night. There were a **** ton of people and lines, sure, but not buying months in advance wasn't a detriment to getting good seats or seeing it.

The only time I've preordered or reserved tickets are for special showings at like AMC theaters where they show classic films and I want the special luxury box seats where you can sit up in the balcony and drink booze. That's it.

I'm in a city too.

I think it simply comes down to not wanting to miss out on the first showing since we’re all diehard geeks.

Why take any chances just eliminate the risk by acting fast.

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