Hi grphx1, yeah a mate has been bugging me for ages to do one he saw a three stooges sketch i had done and was all do Brody,Quint and Hooper next. I also had a thought a while back about doing a series of Captains Han,Kirk,Mal,Nemo ect with there ships and Quint with the Orca was always on the list.
Beards are tough to do and not make it look like squiggly worms on the face, try watering down the black to a grey wash, then doing the black squigglys on top. just an unsolicited comment because i really like the direction of your art.
Thanks grphyx1 i only did the beard like that because i was experimenting with this new brush pen. I was hoping by using a brush pen it might get me back into painting.I liked your Alice piece by the way.