Stryker - have not done anything specifically to the gaming units in quite a while. Probably will get back into these soon. I did do quite a bit of work on other areas of the Jabba dio recently though... stay tuned!
I finally got the creature painted from The Monster that Challenged the World. I had him put together for quite a while, but never got around to painting him. Finally got that done. Put a high gloss on him to make him look “wet”… like he just popped up out of the vat he is in.
Below are before & after paint shots of him. He is now placed next to the Blob. In between them is Iceman from the X-men, who is about to give the Blob a blast of cold air to freeze him into submission. Anyone who has seen the original Blob movie will know that this is a pretty effective tactic to neutralize the beastie. Since the Marvel Super Hero display is right next to the Blob, having Iceman in the mix right there seemed appropriate.
The Ghostbusters Headquarters is back in the display room after it was in the workshop getting mortared and painted. The exterior is basically done. Still need to finish the second story interior room. I plan to have that be a lab-like area showcasing some of the Ghostbuster’s equipment and memorabilia. Can’t wait for the ECTO-1 car to arrive!
Slimer has his place of honor at the top of the building. There is a subtle green light on him to really make him “pop” when the room lights go out.
Next up is the building that is inspired by one of the background buildings at Universal Orlando. The brickwork is complete up to the roofline. Still need to brick up the two chimneys. Brick painting and mortar work will come at the end. I started shingling the roof. I estimated that I will need over 1000 individual shingles. Each shingle goes through a two-part staining process to get the distressed/weathered look I want. I have 500-ish shingles stained so far. Long process.
Thanks Stryker. You call it "dedication." Some of my family members would probably use a different word... "sickness" comes to mind.
No major projects in Super Hero Land lately. Probably the main new thing is the Defenders have taken some territory. Daredevil, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage now have a home. Jessica Jones is on pre-order.
I’ve been making a bunch of 1/6 scale boxes/crates and shipping pallets, and stockpiling and making 55 gallon drums for an industrial looking backdrop to display some Marvel villains. Bring on the Bad Guys!
The Jabba’s Palace and the Hoth dio have been on the back burner for quite a while. I think mostly because they are so in-depth, and to really get some progress made on a particular phase, I need to dedicate some serious time to it. If I have just a spare hour or so, I don’t spend the time there. It usual goes to NYC and another layer of bricks. I usually only get into Jabba’s Palace or Hoth when I have multiple hours of free time.
Up first is progress on Jabba’s Place. I really have not done much here in the last year or so. The most recent thing I worked on was the BBQ pit. Before that was the BG-J38 robot. He is done and painted, but still needs to be weathered.
A couple weeks ago I decided to hit Star Wars hard and I started with the back wall behind the BBQ pit. I finished putting together the wall particulars, then textured and painted it. My newly acquired Gamorrean Guard coffee mug was with me when I worked on Jabba stuff. I had my Hoth mug filled up and at my side when I worked on that dio.
Here is where the Jabba dio is now. Room lights on and room lights off. Jabba’s place looks so much better in person with the room lights off. The palace lighting is so iconic in the movie. Outside lighting influences always seem to bring things down a few notches… even pictures taken on-set at the time with the “regular” lights on look pretty bland.
The walls are finally fully textured and painted. Still need to paint the design above Jabba’s arch. Need to finalize the game consoles. Need to finalize the lighting behind the BBQ. Need to get my stuff in gear and get started on my Enaud Squidhead & Klaatu. Need to make all of the other set pieces that are around the BBQ pit, pipes on the walls, etc. Hoping Hot Toys comes through on Lando!
Whoah! That is incredible looking. I like how you did the archway and stairs to the left, as well. That entire thing is pretty impressive. I hope I can do mine this level of justice.
Some more Jabba pictures - the BBQ pit in front of the back wall… a from-the-back view of the gaming area… a shot across the front of the dio (from the gaming area to the arch across the way)… and one of the Jawa on the steps off to the left of Jabba.
Hoth! The Snowspeeder was the fist thing I made in 1/6 scale. It, and all things Hoth hold a special place in my heart. I was 13 when Empire came out. I was blown away by the stop motion Hoth scenes. Still have a soft spot for stop motion. The original King Kong is one of my all time favorite movies - mostly due to the stop motion Kong.
I’ve had a basic layout in mind for my Hoth Hanger dio for some time, but have not worked on it much lately.
The most recent thing I did (months ago) was to add a lot of detail to the Snowspeeder tail gunner station. Tried to get it as screen accurate as possible, even though it will be very difficult to see at the distance it will be from the viewer once it is under glass in the dio. Also hard to see in a photo through the cockpit front widow… but gave it a try…
This past couple of weeks I took some time to move the dio forward. Pretty happy with where it is so far.
I finally got the “snow” base laid down for this. I’ve had the base painted with white primer for years in anticipation of the inevitable snowy surface. I bought white tile grout powder a number of years ago for this project, so that has been on standby. Two weeks ago I laid down a fresh coat of white primer, then sprinkled the tile grout powder over the still-wet primer to get it to stick. Let it dry, then sprayed over the top of it with a mix of white glue and water. (1/3 glue / 2/3 water in a generic spray bottle). A couple coats of this and the surface is rock hard.
I knew I wanted a few of the iconic Hoth Hanger equipment pieces on display. The big blue “power station?”, the white box with the pressure tanks on top, and the yellow work lights are seen in a number of screen caps and set photos. And the cables on the walls. So necessary.
… and then more cables. Lots more cables. My version of the overhead hanging cables are placeholders. I think they need to be thicker. The ones on the hanger floor are pretty much done. Pretty happy with these as they are.
Figure placement is mostly done. Han on the Taun Taun is a done deal since they are locked in with the pegs in the feet of the creature. Luke is good to go with pins in his feet. He still needs gauntlets. Gonk & C-3PO are pinned, and R2-D2 & Soldier are all set where they are.