Super Freak
Wow, just amazing work Dennis!!
Incredible talent. Thanks for sharing.
Incredible talent. Thanks for sharing.
This past couple of weeks I took some time to move the dio forward. Pretty happy with where it is so far.
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I finally got the “snow” base laid down for this. I’ve had the base painted with white primer for years in anticipation of the inevitable snowy surface. I bought white tile grout powder a number of years ago for this project, so that has been on standby. Two weeks ago I laid down a fresh coat of white primer, then sprinkled the tile grout powder over the still-wet primer to get it to stick. Let it dry, then sprayed over the top of it with a mix of white glue and water. (1/3 glue / 2/3 water in a generic spray bottle). A couple coats of this and the surface is rock hard.
Here is where the Jabba dio is now. Room lights on and room lights off. Jabba’s place looks so much better in person with the room lights off. The palace lighting is so iconic in the movie. Outside lighting influences always seem to bring things down a few notches… even pictures taken on-set at the time with the “regular” lights on look pretty bland.
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The walls are finally fully textured and painted. Still need to paint the design above Jabba’s arch. Need to finalize the game consoles. Need to finalize the lighting behind the BBQ. Need to get my stuff in gear and get started on my Enaud Squidhead & Klaatu. Need to make all of the other set pieces that are around the BBQ pit, pipes on the walls, etc. Hoping Hot Toys comes through on Lando!
Stryker - I have not yet explored 3D printing on anything. I love the concept, but have not gone there (yet!).
I really enjoy the tactile experience of creating this stuff by hand.