Why not? The lady that came to more door didn't even say why she was there.I knew why she was. But still. Why not question it? I don't always agree with the conspiracy people. However, this is one thing that just rubs me the wrong way. I signed my draft paperwork at 18 even though I enlisted, I pay my taxes, so that should be enough. They have all the information they need on me IMO. Christ when you are in the military you are given shots and aren't even told what they are for. They just inject you and off you go. I did my part and I'm done. I hate the way the government is run and my life is none of their business even though they have the power to make it theirs. So why make it easy?
Geez, "Spartacus"...I don't know why you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!! OH NOES!!! The MAN wants my info!!!"

Just fill the stupid thing out or if they come to your door...answer the poor slob's questions and be done with it.
The person coming to your door is just doing the job to make some extra money. They're not some government assasin or superspy.