I tell my wife that each piece is roughly 150, so she has an estimate. But what she does not know is that some pieces were after market acquisitions....
Agreed - having a boyfriend who didn't care one bit about my hobby or general interest of mine was boring. He didn't care about the price of things mostly because he didn't care at all.
It sucks having some one you can't talk to about toys. I didn't think it'd be a big deal, but man it blew.
I have a rather large glass display case and three Detolfs in our family room so we get a lot of comments. Most of the time when people ask "how much have I spent" I point to a statue and tell them I bought it for $250 and could easily sell it of for $1k. I never tell people how much I spend because it isn't their business.
My wife only has two rules: no nudity or no hyper-sexed-up-anime-chicks and nothing over the top scary that will freak our kids out.
As far as how much I spend, she doesn't care at all.
Just hide the toys! Lol. Plenty of white sheets out there to go around.
Seriously though, high end collectibles add up and if that's the bulk of what you buy, it's kind of hard to hide that. I mean, when your spouse suddenly wakes up one morning and goes to the grocery store and soon discovers that they can't even buy a carton of milk, something's wrong with that picture. Especially, when they drive home, storm through the door and presume to check your online bank statement and uncover multiple purchases from Sideshow, BBTS, AlterEgoComics, or Ebay for a bunch of statues or 1/6 collectibles... yeah.
Would hate to be the person on the other end of that "conversation."
In our budget we each have "mad money" which is money we can spend on whatever. I draw from that or from the sell of other figures when buying therefore, I am never asked.
My HT habit has stayed out of our budget for the most part over the last two years. I've been trying to have a decluttered life and have a collection that is quality over quantity. I've sold a bunch of Star Wars books, Marvel Universe figures, Masters of the Universe Classics and other miscellaneous items on ebay. I pull the money out as soon as it sells and pay for an item in its entirety when I preorder. I like to get the payment out of the way so that way if changes in scheduling cause three things to come out in the same week it isn't a nightmare. I seem to be constantly finding old items I've kept in boxes or on a shelf I don't mind sending on its way, especially if it makes a purchase like the Iron Monger possible. I like to think of it more like trading than thinking of it as spending hundreds of dollars on figures.
I respect my wife enough not to lie about stupid crap. If I wouldn't tell her about it, I shouldn't spend it. She gets an informed vote in the family finances ... but not the only vote. She's my wife, not my mother. I don't take orders, and neither does she.
She respects me enough to know that I don't need her permission. She also trusts me enough to know that I'll do without if there are more important things, and I won't spend what we can't afford.
Hellz no, I have a cousin that spends hundreds and thousands of dollars on nike and Jordan sneakers, friends that do nothing but tour the country following Dave Matthews Band expensive ass summers for them!, and then we have this hobby, which is just as good if not better!