Well, everybody brace yourselves. The Yank wants to give his Doctor Who opinion. Tonight, the first of the new series aired in America. So here are my thoughts:
As a fairly young American, Eccleston was my first Doctor. But as he didn't last long, I grew to really love Tennant, and to me he was the Doctor. I wasn't sure I would be able to warm up to Matt Smith at all. I'm happy to say I was wrong. I could most certainly watch this guy. He has the same kind of manic energy, but is not simply copying his predecessors. All the players may be different, but it still feels like the same show to me.
I look forward to the future, which if the preview is any indication still has Daleks, Cybermen, and...Weeping Angels? Huh, well that's something to look forward to. But at least it assures me that this is still the same show that I've come to love over the past five years.