Memnoch21 said:
I must say that I was sad Sci-Fi edited bits out of Doomsday like Jackie seeing the Cybermen comming up the stairs and Pete yelling to Mickey "That's an order!" and ripping off his ... thing after Rose went back to the good Doctor. Anyone notice if Army of Ghosts had any bits cut? Oh and soon we will get brand new Who! It just better go up sometime tonight because I need a fix.
Hello Memnoch21
Well the new Christmas Special of Dr Who has aired in the UK today and didn't I promise you some spoilers?
Sure I did.
Okay The Runaway Bride picks up pretty much where Doomsday left off with the Doctor and a mysterious bride called Donna standing on the bridge of the Tardis. Turns out Donna was marrying a guy called Lance and was on her way down the isle when suddenly she got beamed aboard the Tardis. The Doctor lands the Tardis but there's a problem with it and it can't get them back to the church. So they flag down a cab to try and get her back in time for the ceremony. There's some comedy bits but basically Donna ends up getting kidnapped by the alien Santas from The Christmas Invasion. The Doctor rescues her and realises that the aliens who last year were scavengers are now being controlled by something more powerful and Donna is the key.
It turns out Donna met her husband to be Lance whilst working as a secretary in an office (I forget the name of the company, but it was a front for a Torchwood operation). The Doctor, Lance and Donna discover that the Torchwood group were secretly recreating long dead alien particles which magnetised themselves to the Tardis and that's how she ended up inside. Donna is full of these particles, but they're poison to humans and so she's dying because of it.
It turned out that Lance (her husband to be) was using her as an experiment and mixing the particles in with her tea, which he made her every day at work. Donna is the key to his plan. The latest monster then turns up, kind of a half demon/half giant spider, she is the empress of the arachnoids and is the one controlling the alien santa. Basically the arachnoids were a race of barbarians who devoured whole worlds and the Time Lords destroyed their whole race. Except for a small group of arachnoids buried in the centre of the earth.
The Emperess is trying to free her children so they can devour earth and needs to throw Donna, filled with the alien particles into a large pit they created in order to free the other arachnoids. Obviously she doesn't succeed and ends up getting blown up in her spaceship above earth, Lance is killed and Donna is taken home. The Doctor asks Donna whether she'd like to be his new companion and she declines but says he needs to find someone to travel with him. She saw how he turned when he killed the arachnoids and she says he needs someone to keep him in check as he scares her. He leaves in the tardis alone.
At the end of the episode was a small trailer with clips from season three episodes coming in the new year. They included a shot of the Face of Boe and the Black Dalek from Doomsday (who'll both be returning in season three) and some new aliens that look like giant Rhinos wearing boiler suits. There's also a brief clip of the Doctor with his new companion and him telling her she "isn't replacing Rose".
Hope this is what you wanted.
Merry Christmas mate