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Police Amy and Katherine Jenkins in the same episode, i think Moffat knows what the dads who are forced to watch the show with their kids want!
Im excited to see a new episode after so long of waiting and only being fed the SJA episode.
Police Amy and Katherine Jenkins in the same episode, i think Moffat knows what the dads who are forced to watch the show with their kids want!

It's quite the improvement from Admiral Ackbar's daughter and the loudmouthed ginger b***h :)

I'm intrested to see Moffat's first attempt at a Christmas episode though I've hardly been starved of Who action.

The last couple of weeks have seen me taking a look at the final year of the Classic run and I reckon that had McCoy been the 5th Doctor the show wouldn't have gone down the toilet in the 80's and could have lasted even longer than 26 years.

My current top 10 of Doctors is,
1.Tom Baker
2.Patrick Troughton
3.Jon Pertwee
4.Sylvester McCoy
5.Matt Smith
6.William Hartnell
7.Christopher Eccleston
8.Colin Baker
9.Paul McGann
10.Peter Davison
My current top 10 of Doctors is,
1.Tom Baker
2.Patrick Troughton
3.Jon Pertwee
4.Sylvester McCoy
5.Matt Smith
6.William Hartnell
7.Christopher Eccleston
8.Colin Baker
9.Paul McGann
10.Peter Davison

I'm guessing 11 would be Rowan Atkinson? :monkey3 :lol

My top Doctors (as of this moment):
1. David Tennant
2. Christopher Eccleston
3. Matt Smith (he can still climb the list)
4. Patrick Troughton
5. Peter Davison
6. Sylvester McCoy
7. William Hartnell
8. Tom Baker
9. Jon Pertwee
10. Paul McGann
11. Colin Baker

I expect Paul McGann and Colin Baker have room to climb whenever I get around to listening to the Big Finish audios.

edit: I should probably note that I don't dislike any Doctor, but if I needed to order them, this is how I would do it.
My faves:

1. Tom Baker
2. Paul McGann
3. Matt Smith
4. William Hartnell
5. Peter Davison
6. David Tennant
7. Patrick Troughton
8. Jon Pertwee
9. Sylvester McCoy
10. Christopher Eccleston (he should be higher but with only 9.5 hours in the role what can you do?)
11. Colin Baker

Rowan Atkinson is a good possibility for 11 in my list although there's also the other actors from that sketch and Richard Hurndall to consider as well.

And Peter Cushing.

And Trevor Martin ( played the Doctor in a 70's stage play. )

Incidentally today is the show's 47th birthday!
1. Tom Baker
2. Jon Pertwee
3. Patrick Troughton
4. Christopher Eccleston
5. David Tennant
6. William Hartnell
7. Colin Baker
8. Matt Smith
9. Sylvester McCoy
10. Paul McGann
11. Peter Davison
Ah bcm saving Tennant his own special place on a special list lol i assume he sits high on his own uber Doctor list?

1.Matt Smith
2. Tom Baker
3. David Tennant
4. Christopher Eccleston
5. Colin Baker
6. Peter Davidson
7. Paul McGann
8. William Hartnell
9. Paul McGann
10. Patrick Troughton
11. Sylvester McCoy
Ah bcm saving Tennant his own special place on a special list lol i assume he sits high on his own uber Doctor list

My list of "characters I'd like to see stricken from the canon" is as follows,

1.10th Doctor
2.Rose Tyler & family
3.Donna Noble & her mother ( Wilf was OK )
4.Captain Jack
5.Sarah Jane
6.The Master ( Eric Roberts & John Simm versions only )
7.River Song
9.Martha Jones & family
Aww come on man.. Sarah Jane Smith was awesome.. back in the 70s/80s
If she were removed completely, some of the more interestimg stories from Pertwee and Baker's runs would have been VERY different and not as much fun to watch. Back then, Sarah was HOT!
Aww come on man.. Sarah Jane Smith was awesome.. back in the 70s/80s
If she were removed completely, some of the more interestimg stories from Pertwee and Baker's runs would have been VERY different and not as much fun to watch. Back then, Sarah was HOT!

Looks are one thing but aside from that I think she was overrated and that's before I even mention her crappy returns in the modern era.................RTD could probably make me hate Tom Baker because every Classic era character he touched was somehow tainted as a result.
I agree with River and Mel, unless Moffat has a brilliant twist to throw on River which would make her 'wife' status make sense. Good concept but far too much of an annoying attitude. I think Mel was the worst companion in history of the show, if i could i'd like to wipe 'Time and the Rani' off the record and imagine a better McCoy debut as it was painfull to watch from start to finish.
Agreed. Mel was the absolute worst of the entire series of the show. I get visibly embarrassed if I watch a story with her in it.
I watched "Time & the Rani" and the first 13 minutes of "Paradise Towers" before having to switch off.

No other Classic era character has come close to having the same effect on me as Mel and it was extra annoying 'cos I liked Sly :mad:

I think River Song would be more tolerable if she wasn't built up to be on the same level as the Doctor but the way she talks to him makes him appear like her lackey and that scene with the Dalek begging for mercy was as retarded as anything from the RTD era...........the only entity that the Daleks should ever show any kind of fear towards is the Doctor.

What soured my opinion of Sarah Jane was the way she was made out to be such a drip in "School Reunion". There's no way her younger self would have stood for the way Rose spoke for her but of course in RTD's world everyone had to play second fiddle to Fish Lips including the Doctor.
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Sooo I think it is about time I started watching Doctor Who. I watched Torchwood and really enjoyed that. Should I start from the beginning or can I watch the new series that started in 2005 first?
Especially with Torchwood, the show intertwines with DW quite a bit from series 2 onwards but to understand the Rose/Doctor fest a start from 2005 is best.

And a bit from McCoy who says he is keen on a 2013 50 year anniversary episode, same ol' same ol' but still nice to see he is interested. Seems to be a part that never leaves you...