Doctor Who - Spoilers!

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Too daft? Rather daft than too human with emotional issues and a broken heart for a toothy 'teen'. I'm in totally with Moffat, RTD was pretty bad at best but il give him credit there are a fair few one off episodes I enjoy going back too, and despite the fact I think Ten was too human for a 900 year old alien, I still enjoyed him in the role, but Smith blows him out of the water.

Yes his obsession with Rose was annoying. But I liked his human aspects. Made him relateable.

Smith is always going 100 mph like a hummingbird on crack. Not only is he clearly alien, but he never slows down enough for me to even remotely connect to him the way I did with Eccelston or Tennnant. He is so focused on being written as "wacky" that there is no room at all for a character the audience can connect to.

Ironically, Matt Smith himself seems like a very down to earth and engaging guy in interviews. If he would just slow down and bring a bit more of himself to the role, I could see myself liking him alot more.

This annoying wackyness extends way past the doctor to all aspects of the series. Even the ugly abstract junk heap of the Tardis interior.
And the monsters don't even seem to make any logical sense anymore. Its all about some wierd style and no substance. Id even argue that the show has changed genres from sci-fi to pure fantasy.
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Smith is always going 100 mph like a hummingbird on crack. Not only is he clearly alien, but he never slows down enough for me to even remotely connect to him the way I did with Eccelston or Tennnant. He is so focused on being written as "wacky" that there is no room at all for a character the audience can connect to.

I love Smith's Doctor, but ultimately I agree with you.
Certainly a step up from Rose as far as likeability. Even if her family was boring.

And that I can't disagree with, Martha had so much potential but was very much wasted.

I hope I'm not coming across as hostile, not my intention. Who is a unique show in the amount of massivly divided opinions it brings, even earlier on in this thread it felt like you had to justify your fandom or alliegance to an incarnation or era. Just my opinions, no matter the doctor I'm glad the show is still on the air :peace

Hopefully the new companion will be a bit closer to Donna in terms of her relationship with The Doctor, rather than a damsel in distress or love interest. Perhaps even more of an equal to the doctors intelligence would be fun to watch, not have him call all the shots.
I'll check back in when the thread becomes positive again - LONG LIVE THE NU-WHO and RTD and SM and the cheeky new girl (who I'm praying is an Earthgirl with an attitude).
I'm excited to know about the Angels send off now, suprised that much detail was revealed. I think the Angels woked better as a one-off unknown villian but since we have already passed that hopefully SM can turn them into something more vicious and deadly, since they were searching out a way to escape the silence in series 5 i wonder if this time without that threat they are more threatening.
Somehow they were more threatening as beings that sent you to another time than as wicked beasties who will break your neck and rip out your spinal chord.
Yea, piling on a bunch of other "rules" to the Angels which didn't make too much sense certainly did not do the character any favors.

Its like they just added a bunch of stuff that they thought would be creepy without stopping to think if any of it was logical or not. Kind of a perfect example of every monster in the Moffat series really.
Sadly true.

Smilers had a ton of potential and were a great let down in series 5.
The Silence also were the same. I felt they weren't quite as much of a let down as Smilers, but they were still a let down.
Weeping Anglers were definitely diminished for me after series 5 as well.
Those dolls from series 6 looked far creepier than they actually ended up being.
True that.

Im still trying to figure out what the hell being "half-smiler" means. Or why the spaceship would even bother putting those things all around the ship instead of just using security cameras. Or why they program the elevator to have a girl read a creepy poem before killing you if you aren't authorized to use it.

I also don't get what the hell the Headless Monks are all about.
True that.

Im still trying to figure out what the hell being "half-smiler" means. Or why the spaceship would even bother putting those things all around the ship instead of just using security cameras. Or why they program the elevator to have a girl read a creepy poem before killing you if you aren't authorized to use it.

I also don't get what the hell the Headless Monks are all about.

Yes to all of the above. :lecture
I think it is time that they split the title "show runner" in two: Series Producer and Head Screen Writer. I believe that is how it was in the old days and I think the show benefited tremendously.
I'm glad to hear the next series is going back to one off stories. The whole River Song storyline still gives me a headache.
I'm glad to hear the next series is going back to one off stories. The whole River Song storyline still gives me a headache.

I am a bit less optimistic. I see a season of too-fast paced serials with no room for story/character development.

Of course I'll still loyally watch week in and week out. :lol
I am a bit less optimistic. I see a season of too-fast paced serials with no room for story/character development.

Of course I'll still loyally watch week in and week out. :lol

As will I. If nothing else, you know you're at least assured the occasional gem like "The Girl Who Waited."