I don't get why Tasha Lam didn't age, while the Doctor did. Anyone shed light on that?
I don't get why Tasha Lam didn't age, while the Doctor did. Anyone shed light on that?
Yes.. why was he bald again - The Doctor, not Matt Smith- did I miss that explanation?
He shaved his head, clever plan to pass the shield, he says. But then it's revealed he just got bored.
Yes.. why was he bald again - The Doctor, not Matt Smith- did I miss that explanation?
He shaved his head for his most recent acting roll and I took the scene as a small dig at whiney fan boys complaining that it looked like he was wearing a wig, because he was.
Yes.. why was he bald again - The Doctor, not Matt Smith- did I miss that explanation?
I'm really confused as to how the Doctor ages, he aged something like 400 years between leaving Amy & rory and meeting clara and he still appeared unchanged. we know hurt's doctor aged but by the end of his life he's only 8 or 900 tears old ..
Overall I liked the episode but it felt a tad rushed and messy, the regeneration was very quick, not sure yet if I liked that or not.
I'd say lack of TARDIS and travels, all the fighting and simply accepting he's aging.
Or maybe he came to the point in a Time Lord's life where, instead of regenerating, the body grew old, as it was his "last" life. I had always assumed his regenerative energy had part in keeping him from aging. Even if he regenerated as an older man, the regenerative energy would keep him at that age, or slow down the aging even further.
It was funny but the wig was so awful it needed to be explained.
honestly had I not known it was a wig, I would never have been able to tell