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I thought at one point Tasha Lem was going to become River Song.

Apparently River Song is supposed to appear in the upcoming season, I wouldn't be shocked if there was a connection. A lot of her dialogue if you just replaced Alex Kingston into there would make better sense.

"****ing kidneys. New ****ing kidneys. I don't like the ****ing colour. One ****ing question, how the **** do you fly this thing?" :lol

I do wonder, why did Capaldi Doctor forget how to fly the TARDIS? That hasn't happened before, has it?

Maybe it was less he forgot and more otherwise occupied. He is in the middle of a regeneration. Eleven crashed so Two Point One might be doing the same (it's a new regen cycle, he isn't Twelve) with so many pulls back to classic Who I wouldn't be shocked if he ended up in a junkyard.

I feel bad that Smith's last episode was so messy and confusing.

I firmly believe that Smith should have regenerated in the 50th saving Gallifrey and then the Christmas episode should have introduced us to Capaldi outright.

If you take out the confusing "church of security/silence" stuff I think the episode becomes much more simple.

I have a feeling that will continue into the new series. Moffat likes to lay the groundwork of these pretty heavily.

I don't get why Tasha Lam didn't age, while the Doctor did. Anyone shed light on that?

The Doctor in episode replied that she refused to age. There is more to Tasha Lam than we're lead to believe.

He shaved his head for his most recent acting roll and I took the scene as a small dig at whiney fan boys complaining that it looked like he was wearing a wig, because he was.

My favorite part of that whole exchange was Clara asking if that is what happened to his eyebrows with The Doctor simply replying "No they're delicate"

It was a scattered mess in retrospect but I enjoyed it for what it was. The final scene with Smith (although somewhat jagged compared what should have happened) was a direct monologue to the fans from Smith himself and the bow tie dropping the ground really gave a genuine feel of sadness.

Smith was the first Doctor for me that I was able to experience in real time and watch to his regeneration, so he'll hold a special place for me. Capaldi will be the first that I'll be able to see from day one in real time so I'm excited for August.
Maybe it was less he forgot and more otherwise occupied. He is in the middle of a regeneration. Eleven crashed so Two Point One might be doing the same (it's a new regen cycle, he isn't Twelve) with so many pulls back to classic Who I wouldn't be shocked if he ended up in a junkyard.

Ten was the one who crashed (even if it was an okay landing). Eleven crashed because his regeneration literally destroyed the TARDIS.
Let's be honest, with all the ****ery that has gone on with the numbers and positionings, regeneration slots and the like, people will just call him Capaldi.
He's still the 12th Doctor. I think Moffat played around with the numbering on purpose just because he knew the fans would obsess about it and over think it.
Given that Hurt was made canon and given the official title of "The Doctor" by the end of the 50th then you'd have him being the Thirteenth really. How he was the Fourteenth according to the Christmas special was Moffat playing around. The screwing with the numbers is one of the more rabid complaints of Who fans over the various social medias.
But Hurt isn't considered a 'Doctor'...11 even says that in the Christmas ep. So Capaldi is the 13th regeneration, but the 12th 'Doctor'.

And I don't remember 14 coming up at all in the Christmas ep?
Hurt's not a "real" Doctor and neither is the meta crisis Tennant. In the Christmas special, they even made reference to eleven and twelve in the little poem. Whatever theories fans might want to put forward, it's obvious that the BBC and Moffat consider Capaldi the 12th.
People are just over thinking the numbering thing. Capaldi is the 12th Doctor. Hurt is the War Doctor. The Meta-Crisis Regeneration is still the 10th Doctor.
Lets face it, it was a self indulgent mess, the setting of the planet 'Christmas' and he chocolate box village swathed in snow was just too much. OK team, we get that you like to make the festive episode look the part... but really. And the story... what story... I like to recommend watching the series to non converts every now and then, I feel I would have to apologise after that. It was actually so ill conceived and riddled with plot holes as to be embarrassing! Another episode best forgotten.

Anyway, just my humbliest of opinions... but even my kids thought it was rubbish (10 +12) target audience=unforgivable!
I'd like to see a more pulpy dangerous Whoverse where he doesn't have the chick dujour hitting on him.

Now that they have a scary looking older gentleman playing the part, they'll have to lower the sugar content. Also, Moffat isn't terrible but his over the top grandiose story archs actually destroyed the regen numbering system for me! :lol
I do wonder, why did Capaldi Doctor forget how to fly the TARDIS? That hasn't happened before, has it?

Yes it has. Pertwee's Doctor had much of his knowledge of the TARDIS locked away by the Timelords. They were mad at him and wanted to control him by keeping him on Earth. The Doctor could only travel short distances on and close to Earth.

Smith's regen into Capaldi is similar to Troughton/Pertwee's with the Timelord's involvement. Perhaps the Timelords have used this chance to once again control the meddling Doctor so he can be kept under thumb.

His 1st incarnation (Hartnell) grew old and died due to old age, its just since then the Doctor's been killed after being in that body for only a relatively short time. The exception's being #8, he aged around 25 years before his regeneration and War who seems to have aged around 40 years.

It's likely Smith was the "oldest" Doctor. During "DOTD" Smith and Tennant define 11 as being 400yo. He lives on Trenzalore for at least 300 years. He was no less than 700 years old. There are several Smith episodes that would suggest he was even older. He hid in old London in "The Snowmen" for at least a hundred years. He was trapped in a room of the TARDIS for 300 years in Sky Jacks. The Doctor may very well lived as 11 for 1100 years. That's longer than any of the other Doctors.

Mike said:
I firmly believe that Smith should have regenerated in the 50th saving Gallifrey and then the Christmas episode should have introduced us to Capaldi outright.

I sorta agree but it would have changed the whole focus of the really great 50th. "Time of the Doctor" is really about "stuff happens, the Doctor regenerates" The whole episode was about the emotional later scenes. Everything before that is from the DW writer's cookbook.

I'm much happier the last scene of the 50th was Tom Baker than 11 regenerating.
Hurt's not a "real" Doctor and neither is the meta crisis Tennant. In the Christmas special, they even made reference to eleven and twelve in the little poem. Whatever theories fans might want to put forward, it's obvious that the BBC and Moffat consider Capaldi the 12th.

than why refer to himself as the 13th in the cameo?
Moffat loves a deus ex machina doesn't he?
I hate Moffat.

Yes he does. He is turning into the George Lucas of showrunners.

I wish he would show the care and craft he does on Sherlock. It's a completely different level of quality.. unfortunately.
pixletwin said:
It's likely Smith was the "oldest" Doctor.
On screen he aged, but i was referring to off screen before the series started and in between the original series and the new series.

pixletwin said:
Yes he does. He is turning into the George Lucas of showrunners.

I wish he would show the care and craft he does on Sherlock. It's a completely different level of quality.. unfortunately.

Ive thought that for a while and it does seem as if Sherlock is his priority now :(

Regardless of that I doubt anything that man says. He says that and yet the ending of TotD is implying more of the same. Nevermind the "he believes he's still Matt Smith" which never seemed to cross over there.

With every new Doctor the show changes in tone slightly. It's that new dynamic that they all bring. That much is true.

But the show won't be that much different when these three annoying Moffat characters remain:

Why couldn't they just be killed off? :cuckoo: