really, I thought last season's finale was pretty good. With Captain Jack returning and the master, I thought it was great. If the torchwood team (or whomever is still alive on the team) returns with rose and martha, should be a great finale. Anybody know if this is set before or after the torchwood finale? And I have only one thing to say to you BLINK !!!!![]()
Had the series 3 finale had an actor playing The Master that actually looked and sounded evil I might have got into it but John Simm was totally unconvincing as the Doctor's nemesis.
Add the Doctor's transformation into what appeared to be a suit wearing Gollum clone only for him to recover and start flying through the air like Peter Pan and moving objects with his mind like Yoda and I couldn't take any of it seriously.
Despite the huge cluster^^^^ potential of having so many companions in the same story I hope this years finale is decent. To make Davros come across as a real heavyweight villain to new viewers I think more than one of the Doctor's allies should bite the dust as otherwise he'll just seem like a standard bad guy.
Captain Jack and Sarah Jane are safe as they've got new series of their own coming out so it leaves Martha,Rose,Donna and if the tabloid story is true Gwen,Ianto and the Judoon.
Donna seems likely already but who else is gonna get it?