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Just watched The Beast Below. Really liking the new incarnation of the Doctor, Matt Smith is simply awesome and to top it off a very cute assistant, always had a weekest for the red heads espeacially with the scots accent.
The wife and I watched our first McCoy episode, The Curse of Fenric and we both agreed it was not THAT bad.

We tried watching Ghostlight first but something was wrong with the streaming on Netflix for that episode because the sync was like 5 seconds behind, so we couldn't watch that.

We also watched a few more Hartnell ones as well, Keys of Marinus and The Rescue. Both were pretty good, although the Keys of Marinus was really really really drawn out. Also, at the beginning of Keys of Marinus I found the Doctor to be uncharacteristicly ambivalent about the idea of a computer controlling everyone's morals and stuff. By the time the Voords control the computer he seemed to criticise it, but at first when it was just the guy in the robe trying to control the Voord the Doctor didn't seem to be too bothered.
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Also, at the beginning of Keys of Marinus I found the Doctor to be uncharacteristicly ambivalent about the idea of a computer controlling everyone's morals and stuff. By the time the Voords control the computer he seemed to criticise it, but at first when it was just the guy in the robe trying to control the Voord the Doctor didn't seem to be too bothered.

Key of Marinus is from the first season, when the Doctor hasn't been humanized by Ian and Barbara. He's not a conventional hero until the very end of the year.
At last!, Nu-Who Daleks with proper color schemes :)

The bronze ones looked horrible IMO.

I thought the design of the bronze ones was fine, but didn't like the colors...

Dalek Sec was a breath of fresh air for me...

Maybe these Daleks fell out of the void and onto WW2 London, just like the Cybermen did to 1851...
I thought the design of the bronze ones was fine, but didn't like the colors...

That was what I meant.

Apparently the Daleks will be split into the following ranks/factions,


No idea which is which but at a guess I'd say the white one will be the Supreme Dalek and if the Warrior is the one that's reminiscent of the "Genesis of the Daleks" color scheme then I will instantly take back everything bad I've said about Steven Moffat and his work.

Except for hating "Blink" ;)

One thing is certain, CO have to be getting pound signs before their eyes at the thought of the number of repaints from a single mold :D
I wonder... in the trailer don't they refer to the Daleks as "ironclads"?

What if these are basically mechs for the british army and not Daleks "proper"?

Meh, watch.. these WILL be the new Daleks :monkey2
Except for hating "Blink" ;)

I love Blink, Its the only episode in Series 3 I don't have to put up with Martha:banana

I'm liking the new Daleks, They remind of the older Daleks, Althought I don't like the upper black 'Bumper' (Yeah I have no idea what you'd call it) I want Mesh with the metal bars coming down again:(
I love Blink, Its the only episode in Series 3 I don't have to put up with Martha:banana

I'm liking the new Daleks, They remind of the older Daleks, Althought I don't like the upper black 'Bumper' (Yeah I have no idea what you'd call it) I want Mesh with the metal bars coming down again:(

I liked Martha, well i liked the look of Martha! im proberly going to get some stick for the following, but i really am not a fan of the daleks. just seems so tired and i know its a staple of dr who but it feels way overdone to me. The amount of times Docs beaten them they dont feel credible for him to fear them.
I wonder... in the trailer don't they refer to the Daleks as "ironclads"?

What if these are basically mechs for the british army and not Daleks "proper"?

Meh, watch.. these WILL be the new Daleks :monkey2

I dunno. It certainly looks that way, but The Doctor does mention in the the preview about how they are aliens or living creatures or something of the sort.
Whether mechs for the British Army, some that slipped through a crack in time or whatever else, I just want the Daleks to kick ass again and not be destroyed in the last 5 minutes with a "magic switch" plot device.

Hopefully the new regime won't _____ out of showing a bit of death & destruction to show the audience that the enemies the Doctor is pitted against actually pose a threat.
I definately agree with that. The daleks need to be given some bite and not just be all bark all the time. Same can be said for most of the baddies in Who.
I definately agree with that. The daleks need to be given some bite and not just be all bark all the time.

I agree. One of these days a season needs to end with the Daleks completely victorious, having exterminated the Doctor...

...who regenerates, and finally wins out in the first episode of the next season. I can't believe it's been 46 years and the Daleks still haven't been the cause of a regeneration. What a waste!
I think it's time for another companion/ally to be killed off to show that there can be deadly consequences to siding with the Doctor.

One thing I'm hoping with 11 is that he's a lot more uncertain and at least appears fallible in certain situations. For someone his age the character will obviously have amassed a vast knowledge of the galaxy but 10 was far too much of a know all.
too early to kill off the new girl i suppose, they should have killed off at the very least Mickey during Tennants run if not Rose, Martha or Donna.

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