Does anyone feel overwhelmed by all these announcements

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jason2885 said:
No Im not trying to be unhappy Im ecstatic but now I just worry about getting them all.

Its part of the addiction.

Don't worry.

The Con exclusives were pretty easy to get last year, so if you really want these items I'm sure you'll be able to get them eventually.
Sorry Jason, not trying to be an arse but it seems that there is a huge debate about every little thing. I hope there are more announcements. I'm guessing that by the time CIV is in full swing we'll get six announcements. What will you do then? I'm ready and eager for all the SW figures and have no problem with the amount be offered.
No I dont mind the announcements I would just rather get one at time with a preorder following the next week. I like to spread stuff out and not know until a week before I preorder. PPOing is always in the back of my mind when I know theres something coming up on Friday. Now we have that for the next 4 Fridays. Not that Im complaining I am happy just a rush of info all at once after 3 months of nothing but a Bubo Maul Pf and a chess table.
It sure is a lot. We've got LOTR Faramir coming soon, Asij, troopers, and all the preorders for the next few weeks. It also looks like Yavin Luke will be shipping Early May. That's fast.
jason2885 said:
Ok well Im going to be the first one to say it:

Im worried about getting my preorder in for the next 4 items. First we start of next week with ANH Leia (why is this not an inclusive), then we move to a Sandtrooper 12" RAH (ok probably not to bad, but will probably eat my words in two weeks), then the space slug dio (convention exclusive worries) and then Ceremonial Luke (convention exclusive non attendee orders remember the scorched server with Anikan last year). Anyway does anyone else fell worried about getting these.

I know I will get them its just the waiting and the uncertainty.

Am I overreacting, its just like too much information here.

Yes you’re definitely overreacting. As long as you’re by your computer you will be able to order one. SS has updated their pre-ordering system so it goes a lot smoother now. If you can't be at a computer ask a friend or you could just phone order it.
The only reason I would not be at a computer would be I forget which really is the only thing that could cause it but theres not a chance. I will be at school each of these days to make sure I am able to order them.

I will be waiting at 1 Eastern the next 4 Fridays.
Nothing to worry about here. It's a lot better than having NO announcements for months at a time. I am only going to order the SS 12" figs out of these 4 anyway.
Damned if you don't announce and damned if you do...
I'm going for Leia (Ex) and Luke (CIV) and I intend to ge them. Quite happy with the announcement and looking forward to the next few months as our current orders get processed and new items (specifically in the 12") are announced and up for pre-order.

Farmboy/Tatooine Luke in the next two weeks---- guaranteed.
Leia would be the only one I'd be mildly concerned about.

Even after we fried the servers for Sith Anakin, he was in stock for a very long time. Don't make the mistake and think they are only going to produce 500 Lukes. There will be plenty to go around. Only the Fett RAH has sold really fast, not too many people dying for a Sandtrooper. If the evir. doesn't have an exclusive, why bother ordering from SS anyway?
Darth Loki said:
Leia would be the only one I'd be mildly concerned about.
I agree that this could be the hardest one to get. I would think since this is the most classic Leia of all that it would be an inclusive.
Darth Loki said:
If the evir. doesn't have an exclusive, why bother ordering from SS anyway?
Because its a convention Exclusive so you don't have another option. All but Leia are C4 exclusives.
Well, it's dumpin' lotsa white stuff outside, it's late, the topic looks good so here's a long ramble...

We knew more announcements were coming...but overwhelmed? Not by the announcements, but come arrival time, I see another Autumn flood-of-figures-madness coming there's a good way! Heck, the flood may show up sooner (like around summer convention time)...where's Leia/Boussh? Plo Koon? Asajj Ventress? Endor-mint Triplet set? Bubo & crew? The Chess Table?
And that's just what we've been waiting for so far....

Personally, I'm just sticking with the 1:6 scale Sideshow figures so the RAH's, the PF's, the Kotos and dioramas will sound nice and provide pretty pictures to look at for me but that's it...

Out of the two just announced, I think Leia may tests the servers, especially if the exclusive item is something really cool, necessary & over the top ala the Jinn Poncho or the Solo Mynock (I'm crossing my fingers for an Interrogator Droid but that may be a bit much...could be something more along the line of a mini-holo of her, the datacard, binders or maybe a cool themed stand...we'll see next week). She's a classic, much-demanded hoped-for character sculpted by a giant (looks great Andy!) and demand will be high...

As for Yavin Luke (which I'm pretty excited about actually what with Sideshow's record for fine detailed outfits...that jacket should ROCK)...I think he'll be as easy to come by for those that really want it as Sith Apprentice Vader was. The one major difference here is the con major complaint about Clll was the stores and vendors running out of stuff so quickly...which leads to another question...

Is Yavin Luke going to be available at the con for sale as well or just for pick-up?

Back to the topic...being overwhelmed....the only thing I'll be bemusingly overwhelmed with over the next few months is the cycle here of...where's the announcements....too many announcements....proto looks looks like crap...shipping too much at once oh god I'm my shipping notice....where's my shipping my figure...looks great/like crap/not so bad/it's a classic....where's the announcements?

But it's all so much fun though isn't it? :lol
JediBear, how bad is the weather up near you, down here in MA I can hear the icy rain pelting against my house and windows.
Right now, it's just powder...we're at about 6" accumulation, expecting to be around 1' or so by morning...

I love it...(just wish I had a new Sideshow figure to snap some new shots of out in it tomorrow! :D )
JB I would say they'll handle it just like SDCC. You will pay for it before and just pick it up.