Don't home school your kids.

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If theres ever a kid that needs to get out in the backyard a throw a football around with ol' dad it's this kid.
Hey, home-schooling isn't bad if it's done right and not totally secluded from the outside world. I was home-schooled for a long time, but my parents made sure that social skills didn't die out or anything. When I went to High School everything was totally chill, no problems or anything like this kid. Some parents really have no idea how to do it while keeping their kids normal I guess. :cool:
My stars this kid gives all us home-schoolers a bad name. Why on Earth can't he interact with other human beings? It hurts to watch it. Maybe he has some other problem I'm overlooking. I'll give the kid the benefit of the doubt. :rolleyes:
My stars this kid gives all us home-schoolers a bad name. Why on Earth can't he interact with other human beings? It hurts to watch it. Maybe he has some other problem I'm overlooking. I'll give the kid the benefit of the doubt. :rolleyes:
Captain Faramir said:
My stars this kid gives all us home-schoolers a bad name. Why on Earth can't he interact with other human beings? It hurts to watch it. Maybe he has some other problem I'm overlooking. I'll give the kid the benefit of the doubt. :rolleyes:

Just a guess but his parents probably think they got a smart kid on their hands(think public school will hinder his smarts)and do nothing but push him and push him in his knowledge quest and everything else to be the best.(Did ya see they way he looked when she told him he got it wrong?:lol He looked like his whole world was coming apart for a few seconds.
No you're totally spot on. I've seen it before; the kids are like hermits--they eat drink and sleep knowledge and facts, but then lack the basic sociability necessary to reciprocate that knowledge in any kind of normal setting. That's why my parents made sure we went to school at least for High School; they were scared to death we'd be socially-backwards geniuses who couldn't hold a conversation for longer than it takes to spell it. :rotfl
I bet there are a few board members here who are just like that kid! :monkey1

What was the deal with the newscaster holding up the sandwich? Was the visual really necessary?
uuughhh, I was homeschooled in the third grade. my parents pulled myself and my two brothers out of public school while they were in the middle of a lawsuit with the school district (long story, but there was stachybotrys mold growing all throughout the air conditioning in one of the schools and it caused HUGE health problems for my brother)

I can't recommend it, but that was just my case. I didn't like it at all. I was very happy to get back to public schooling in the fourth grade (happy might not be the word...I actually hated all school ;)) I would hate to lack what few social skills I do have :rotfl

Batty said:
What was the deal with the newscaster holding up the sandwich? Was the visual really necessary?

I thought that was weird, it's like "Hey, let me just pull this out of my ass..."

But seriously people do get like that. I was homeschooled until 6th grade and I was a social outcast, but luckily 6th grade was early in my life so after a little while I got much better. People only get like that when they are way too sheltered. But homeschooling is better than public schools beyond the social issues. I had a college reading level when I was in like the 4th grade and when I got in public school I did much better than everyone else. Plus it's shorter because you start the work when you want to and you can get it all done in a couple of hours so it's not all that hard.
Yeah that's similar to me. I was home-schooled for fourth grade and Jr. High (Kindergarden too if that even counts) and went into High School without ever getting less than a B, but since I had some school before, I could adapt quickly to being in a social setting and be really well-rounded. I also had lots of time to develop my interests and talents so that High School and college weren't spent wondering what the heck I'd do with my life. It's all in how the parents choose to do it. In this kid's case it's like they stuck him in a cave until he had memorized the dictionary in seven languages.

Of course, maybe he was just nervous in front of the camera. The poor kid has obviously never encountered the media, and that can be really intimidating. I feel for him, who knows if I'd have been just as nervous? I hope he doesn't get all kinds of mean people making fun of him, while at the same time I hope his parents help him come out of his shell a little bit so that he can enjoy being in more social environments. It's a two-way street really. The kid has honest-to-goodness issues, but at the same time not everybody is at ease in such a new situation as national TV. I'll give the kid a break, I think I was a little harsh on him at first. And I was pretty nerdy for a long time myself. :rolleyes:

Oh, and did I mention how TOTALLY RANDOM that sandwich was? Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was utterly ridiculous. :rotfl
Anyone happen to see the documentary Spellbound? It showed the pressure some of these kids are under. It's worth checking out.
Batty said:
Anyone happen to see the documentary Spellbound? It showed the pressure some of these kids are under. It's worth checking out.

yea i would imagine a lot of those kids feel their parents will disown them if they loose. or something insane like that, but spelling bees dont creep me out like 5 year old girls being pushed on by their parents in beauty contests.
this kid will be famous one a serial killer! jk....i hope......

man.. I feel sorry for him... high school is the best thing that could ever happen to a kid.. you gotta live it to the fullest.. this is just sad... and home school is just sad.