Dreaded NRDs. NRDs are on only dreaded by the idiots who order stuff they don't intend to actually buy.

Dreaded NRDs. NRDs are on only dreaded by the idiots who order stuff they don't intend to actually buy.
Maybe but the Magneto Maquette (ahem) was only priced at $750 and even though this will be bigger, I don't know if Doomsday is as popular as Thanos; hence, my $1,000 guess.
1000.00 WTF no way.
Only if SSC proves it .....and makes this "Maquette" detailed and complex. Not to mention this piece better be superbly sculpted. Then we'll see if buyers bite with a exuberant price.
I'm not saying SSC can't do it ...I'm just saying they better do it if they're going to ask for a steep price.
I wonder if this MAQ will be plastic like Swamp Thing.
That would be stupid of Sideshow if they did that!
But given this is Sideshow we're talking about, it's all too possible
I really hope this has some good size to it. In the comics he's massive! Realistically the size won't be big enough with this not being a maquette. But still hope he will has some good size unlike Darksied.
I really hope this has some good size to it. In the comics he's massive! Realistically the size won't be big enough with this not being a maquette. But still hope he will has some good size unlike Darksied.
Darkseid was a premium format and it wasn't as small as you think it was its actually not far off only needed to be a bit bigger.
This piece is a maquette by the way.
The Thread says Doomsday Maquette.
Sorry wasn't paying attention.But so happy it's now going to be so awesome! Maquette saves the size and details!
I think you're one of the few (or only one) who actually wants this to be a 'Sideshow Maquette'.
Kind of ironic really, given that Maquettes usually have a price mark up.