ONEEYE, get your story straight, the buyer Kevin who got the Predalien bust from me agree to repair the bust after it arrived damaged from Fedex, i also helped support the info all the way on this transaction, Kevin give me green light willing to repair. I have all the messages saved, many weeks later, now he want it ship back? i even ask my friend to make tendons parts for him and already shipped to him, Kevin agree to the whole repair thing, and we did follow up filed fedex claim regard repair fees. i cant believe now he try to black ball me by sending the item back, which he prob did something to the bust already. this item is fragile, and it prob damage more if shipped back and forth, sorry, i cannot continue with this BS, i have told him many times, No way i can accept the bust now. but i will follow with fedEx claim report, to help Kevin get money back. It is Insured.