At least do yourself a favor and contact their Customer Service demanding your NRD back and using the delay as an excuse. It should work. $400 is a load of wasted money.
No idea. I can't manage to keep up with all delays recently, just too many of 'em. As I said, it doesn't hurt to ask. Also, you have the right to have the NRD refunded once as a courtesy. A lot of people used this to have multiple NRDs refunded. Worths a try.
Honestly, $400 NRD is ludicrous on an open ES statue, especially since if you're not happy with the final product, shipping it back is at your cost. Still, I also wonder why on Earth people would jump on preorder and not wait for the production pieces to show up.
Any way this goes, hopefully the guy learns his lesson about preordering.
pretty sure this was supposed to ship in 2013.Original ship date was June I think
I got mine back on optimus prime but it was because a wl Conversion and I called the day it was chargedhave any of you guys had any success getting your NRD back?
well SS updated it and it's pushed back to December now.I need to know what this is being delayed to before I can whine about getting my nrd back.
PUsh it back to 2015, I'm good with it.
unless Doom is in the next newsletter, he won't ship in Dec either.
Please don't be in the newsletterPlease don't be in the newsletter