Drag me to Hell is scary and funny.

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Super Freak
Dec 8, 2006
Reaction score
That will cost you.
Definitely a movie I would recommend! Sam Raimi has finally done it after many years of bad movies... he's back!

**** out of 5! Def. will make your heart race, gross you out... make you laugh at parts. May even make you mad. It's old-time horror... and it's well done! Go see it!
Best horror flick in AGES. Sam is the king of horror.

Hail to the king baby!

Haven't seen it, but I'm hoping this is just Sam testing the waters for a sequel to another horror series...
Wow, havent seen or heard of this one yet.

I will definitely be watching it now though, horror is the greatest genre after all :)
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The trailer looks cheesy imo, but may end up seeing it
I thought it was decent. Prolly as close to Evil Dead 4 we are going to get.

Though one thing that bugged me.

Spoiler Spoiler:
lookung forward to this one. theres not a lot of horror movies these days that look all that good but this one definately looks worth a movie ticket.
I have no choice but to see this movie. I have been looking for a movie to scare the stuffing out of me for a long time and have not found one.
Haven't seen it, but I'm hoping this is just Sam testing the waters for a sequel to another horror series...

Raimi has said at SDCC that that film is probably never going to happen.

From the trailer for the film, I expected the Gypsy chick to touch the girl and say "THINNER!!!" :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
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Classic Raimi...
The girlfriend hated it coz she didn't get the style but to me it was scary horror with the audio and visual brilliance of the EvilDead films... AWESOME Funny as ^^^^ in some places too!
Very well done - much more polished than the Evil Dead films - but that's a good thing. I liked it a lot.

But it was kind of spoiled for me...

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I thought it was decent. Prolly as close to Evil Dead 4 we are going to get.

Though one thing that bugged me.

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Yeah, I was a little surprised by that as well. But ask yourself this.. does it matter? A lot of what went down in that movie is fictional. C'mon now, it's a campy horror movie. A very well done campy horrror movie.
Very well done - much more polished than the Evil Dead films - but that's a good thing. I liked it a lot.

But it was kind of spoiled for me...

Spoiler Spoiler:

Funny you said that because I predicted the same thing... and I even suspected what you did concerning the Mac guy. Guess a lot, if not most, could see the way this movie would play out... btw Loved when her nose bleeds on her boss... what did he say again? Couldn't help but laugh hard at that scene.
"Did any get in my mouth?"

You must have flipped out insanely when you saw that part... oh and the scenes with the snot rag... brilliant! Only Sam Raimi could pull that off. Sam is def. second to Joss Whedon for off beat B rated stuff like this.