Darth Waller
Are you on the square?
As a child, I had one particular plot that I dreamed about often. The same actions occurred, but it would take place in slightly different surroundings. The plot consisted of a young version of myself, playing alone on the edge of some woods or sometimes a field, but usually different types of forest. Suddenly, as I sat or played around through the trees, everything around me would stop. The birds singing, the wind, everything. Then, my head would involuntarily turn and my eyes would stare into a tree, typically a few hundred feet away. From behind said tree would step a big, black wolf, ears standing straight up, eyes glowing red. For my age, that signified a great evil. The wolf, never panting, would casually start walking in my direction. Naturally, I would tear off in the opposite direction, however my eyes seemed to be affixed to the back of my head, as I never looked at where I was running, but rather at the wolf. His pace quickened to a trot, then a run, then into a full out blast. He would easily outrun me, getting closer and closer and closer until WHAM. I was on the ground, pounded into the leaves, being destroyed by fangs and claws. No one ever came to save me. The wolf always won.
Holy crap, that's scary!