Dude by Rainman

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Hi everyone~~
i got Lebowski O.S.T
i was looking for this CD.
and it 's done dude shoes~

i can feel finish line is near~

( sorry~~ i have studing english for better than now)
Damn , incredible work.
I was telling myself before this was shown I would pass on this no matter what but now after what's been show so far I can't miss this figure. :lol
It is funny to hear what these photos do to us. :lol
I sit here waiting to order an outfit or pair of trainers for one of my dolls to add to the collection whilst my mates go out and buy real clothes. :lol

My figures have more clothes than I do. :rotfl
Rainman told me to say that the sculpt will still be perfected/refined in certain places :thud: looks 100% there to me but who am I to complain



I'd go so far as to say this is rainman's best work yet in terms of sculpt.

As an overall package I think it'd take a LOT to beat the GBU stuff.
Really puts Hot Toys' Bridges to shame, IMO.

Does Rainman produce the entire body, as well?

With the head and clothes set you get the custom chest piece yes, with the full set you get an entire figure put together by Rainman
Is the chest piece compatible with other bodies on the market?

Yes buddy easily done, you just remove the HT chest piece and attach this one, in principal it is exactly the same but with a sculpted neck and tits hahahahaha