Ah, Morrissey fans.I actually (braces for impact) didn't really like the movie. . .
Ah, Morrissey fans.I actually (braces for impact) didn't really like the movie. . .
Ah, Morrissey fans.
That was it. You should probably re-watch Lebowski. I saw it in the theaters when it was first released and only thought it was OK. Since then, I came to realize that it is a masterpiece. As good as any other Coen Brothers movie, which of course, means that it is one of the best movies I've seen.Old avatar?
I saw it in the theaters when it was first released and only thought it was OK. Since then, I came to realize that it is a masterpiece.
Funny that Fight Club (another Rainman project) had the exact opposite effect on me. I was blown away when I first saw it at the theater, and it became one of my favorite movies. Nowadays, it doesn't have much of an impact on me. I guess there was a period when I could better identify with "the Narrator," but now, I can better identify with Walter![]()
I think Fight Club, and all of Palahniuk's books, resonated with me a lot more strongly when I was 20 or so. Barely ten years later, I look back and realize most of his books are pretty poorly written.
I couldn't disagree more. I've learned more about writing from Chuck than I did in any creative writing class. There is so much going on in his stuff, not just plot or character wise, but structure, rhythm and form. Sure he tends to play the same identity crisis theme, but most artists are drawn to the same imagery and ideas time and time again. Heck, the Coens are just as guilty for that.
Most young people are wowed by the flash and shock of Chuck's stuff, sad little space monkeys, it's the same crowd who idolizes the Scarface and Clockwork Orange films, who view Tyler as a hero to be emulated, instead of picking up on the more interesting, often subtle mature storytelling bits of what Chuck does. And, of course, Fincher just brought so very much to table. Always new stuff to pick up on with each Fight Club viewing.
where'd you get those pink elephants?